Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2085: Were you awake

When she was a child, even when she came to her aunt for the first time, she did not dare to approach Brother An, for fear that she would be disgusted by him, or even defile him...

Since childhood, Brother Ang has occupied most of her life. She has to consider everything about Brother Ang. Brother Anzhi likes it or not, will Brother Anzhi dislike her, what does Anzhi like...

This has long since become a habit, seeping into the bones and blood, and will never be eliminated.

Therefore, no one will know how she survived when Brother An refused to see her and refused to forgive her five years ago.

Everything she does, she has to think of Brother An habitually, but what comes next is Brother An's never-seeing attitude towards her.

Every time she realizes this, her heart cramps with pain.

No one can understand him.

She protected herself like that, but in the end she had such a relationship with Bai Hao. The body was no longer clean, and Brother An, who didn't look at her again, should hate her now.

Liang Luo smiled coolly, and finally raised his hand to beat Bai Hao on the shoulder like crazy.

"Why? Why? Why did you touch me? Shouldn't it be Ye Susu? Ah?! Why did you become the two of us?"

Bai Hao allowed her to beat herself and backed all the way to the bed.

Originally, Bai Hao was letting Liangluo let it go, but when he saw the bead blood oozing from her wrist, he reached out and grabbed her, but Liangluo was still struggling to get his hand back!

Bai Hao used a bit of strength, and shouted in a deep voice: "Okay, can you calm down? Are you relieved like this? Do you think it is relieved like this?"

Liang Luo's hair was messy, and he stared at Bai Hao with resentment.

"Bai Hao, tell me what happened back then? You were sober back then, right?"

Bai Hao froze for a moment, and opened his mouth, unable to speak for a while.

Liang Luo's eyes flashed, "Are you really awake? But why did I fall into the trap? Why do you still touch me when you are clearly awake?"

Bai Hao couldn't answer all of Liang Luo's questions. Is he awake?

Yes, he admitted that he knew at that time, who was the woman in his arms?

But so what, when countless drunk times, there is always only one woman in his arms.

After waking up, I saw each woman's face clearly and realized that it was not.

But this time, it was true.

What is the point of asking these questions now?

Is there any difference between being sober?

But for him, there is.

Because he didn't want her to think that her first time was lost unconsciously.

"I said, I love you. Since childhood, if you and Pei Anzhi are really together, you will be happy as before, but you will not be happy afterwards! He doesn't love you, but you still have to give up on him. Do something incomprehensible, and then sad, sad, painful! Do you know how painful I see you like this?

We clearly agreed that we must be happy, but you made yourself so embarrassed for Pei Anzhi!

You should be self-confident, beautiful, and the woman who has always been so high, that everyone yearns for, that is your life!

The way you were...I won't continue to bear it, I can't bear it..."

Liang Luo was cold all over, looking at Bai Hao in disbelief.

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