Liang Luo was cold all over, looking at Bai Hao with some disbelief, and Bai Hao continued: "You calm down, things are irreversible. But Luo Luo, I really love you. I will be responsible for you! You try to let go, try to accept me, and I will do my best to treat you well, and I will give you everything I have!"

"I don't want it! I don't want you to be responsible for me! I don't want it!"

Liang Luo suddenly cried and screamed and forced her to accept Bai Hao. How could she do it? !

The hand held by Bai Hao oozes blood again, and Bai Hao frowns tightly, "Don't move, I'll ring the bell..."

Liang Luo was pulled by Bai Hao and walked to the bed. When Bai Hao reached out to press the pager, she suddenly spoke plainly:

"Bai Hao, you just said that you love me, is it for me, you can do anything? As long as I want, you can give it to me, right?"

Bai Hao paused, but still dropped his hand and pressed the pager.

Then he turned around and looked at her, looking at her with a plain expression.

"As long as you want to drive, no longer do stupid things for Pei Anzhi, I can do anything for you! As long as you want, as long as I have it!"

Liang Luo's pale and calm beautiful face, but slowly conjured up a mocking smile, just looking at it, it was cold and scary.

"That's fine, I want you to die, do you dare?"

Bai Hao's body suddenly stiffened, and his pupils suddenly tightened.

He stared at Liang Luo closely, his eyes flashing with disbelief.

He really thought he had heard it wrong, but Liang Luo repeated it cruelly, "I want you to die, can you do it? You don't want me, but you have it? I want you to go. Death! Can you do it? As long as you die, I will be happy and happy...'"

Before Bai Hao had reacted to the sudden pain and shock, Liang Luo sneered, "A man's vows are just beautiful words. You can't believe them! Brother An can have too many vows to Ye Susu, but one day they will. It will become pretty empty talk, right? And you, since you can't do it..."

"If I can do it? Will you try to let go of Pei Anzhi and make yourself truly happy?"

Bai Hao suddenly interrupted Liang Luo's cold words, and what he said shocked Liang Luo, unable to find his thoughts for a long time.

Bai Hao hooked his lips, and said, "If I can do it, let's go, let Pei Anzhi, let go of yourself, okay? Pei Anzhi can't give it to you, in this world, someone will give it to you!"

Liang Luo was stunned for a while, but her brains started to work again. She took two steps back, her injured wrist was still being held by Bai Hao. She could only stop, looked at Bai Hao, and sneered: "Bai Hao Don't scare me, no one is stupid enough to do this kind of thing!"

"You know it's impossible, but why do you want to make such a condition? You want me to retreat and let you go? Luoluo, if Pei Anzhi said, let you die, would you do it?"

At this moment, Liang Luo's heart seemed to have been pierced by countless thin and dense needles, and she did not even dare to breathe in pain.

"How could it be..." She was dead, and she couldn't even look at him from a distance.

This has nothing to do with her suicide. If An Zhi really lets her die, she will die in sadness, surely.

"It seems that your love for Pei Anzhi is nothing more than this!"

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