"Didn't you really want to know? It's really not a big deal, and it happens. After you read it, we can also discuss this, and I will ask questions by myself."

When Pei Anzhi said so, Ye Susu frowned slightly, looked at the documents in his hand, and became more curious.

"Can we discuss?"

"En. Take a look first!"

General Pei Anzhi passed the documents in front of Ye Susu again.

Ye Susu finally didn’t hold back his curiosity and took the file.

She just glanced at it, and her heart felt a mess.

He raised his head and looked at Pei Anzhi, his face was touched.

"This one……"

An embarrassment flashed across Pei Anzhi's handsome face, and he glanced sideways slightly at Ye Susu's sight.

"Don't look at me with this expression!"

Ye Susu blinked. Does she look at him with any expression?

But seeing Pei Anzhi's slightly red ears, Ye Susu was just like discovering the New World.

so cute,

An Zhi's ears turned red.

But why...

She looked down at the document in her hand. The written on it was almost all tourist routes, even in what season, where to go, which scenery in which place must go, and what food must be eaten, and the various activities listed on it are carefully detailed , There are not many completed so far, but it is really careful, even the temperature difference between morning and evening can be clearly remembered,

If she were to do this, she could not guarantee that she could do it so carefully.

"Anzhi, thank you..."

Ye Susu was really touched. For Pei Anzhi, she never asked for too much. As long as he could love her, it was enough for her.

The rest, for her, is not what she should be, but every time is full of surprises,

She really feels very happy,

Because she doesn't want much, she can get at least one surprise almost every day.

This kind of life is spent in surprises every day. This is a feeling that many people have never experienced.

Only this time, the surprise was too big.

Such a careful plan...

Thinking of Anzhi alone in the study, searching for information patiently at the computer and focusing on the computer, I feel even more sweet.

"Why didn't you want to let me know?"

Ye Susu looked at Pei Anzhi with a smile, but actually she knew something.

A big man hiding in the corner alone, planning this kind of thing in every detail, indeed...

For men, especially those with high self-esteem like An Zhi, she must be a little awkward to find him doing such things.

Sure enough, after Ye Susu asked, his face twitched uncomfortably.

"It's not finished yet, what use is it?" ‘

Ye Susu smiled and got into his arms.

"very happy."

Although Pei Anzhi pursed his lips, the corners of his lips could not stop rising.

He hugged Ye Susu tightly and said, "Now that you know, don't think about going back."

Ye Susu got out of his arms and smiled: "Okay! Let's be together!"

The thoughts that had started to waver because of the reluctance of Wen Qian before were completely overthrown.

Traveling with Anzhi is imperative.


Early the next morning, two by two rang the room of two people,

Ye Susu got up and opened the door, and found that she had been neatly dressed two or two earlier, carrying a backpack, holding a small suitcase in his hand, and looking up at Ye Susu.

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