Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2139: Mom get up soon

Ye Susu got up and opened the door, and found that she had been neatly dressed two or two early, carrying a backpack, holding a small suitcase in his hand, and looking up at Ye Susu.

Ye Susu was puzzled, "Two and two, what are you doing?!"

"Mom, get Dad up quickly. We want to see Aunt Yuan Yao earlier."

Ye Susu knew it all.

Actually, I saw Wen Qian earlier.

I secretly added a word, turned around and looked at the clock in the bedroom, and found that it was only seven o'clock,

This is simply earlier than when I was in school.

Ye Susu couldn't help but yawned, still a little tired between his eyebrows.

Really, how could energy be so vigorous?

"Is Mom still sleepy? You've already started to get up and make breakfast at this time in the past?"

Ye Susu leaned against the door, lightening his head lazily, "Yes, it seems so."

Pei Yunze frowned, looked up at Ye Susu suspiciously, and said, "So mom, are we going out for breakfast?"

Ye Susu shook his head, "No, the breakfast outside is not clean, I will make it for you."

Saying that, Ye Susu still didn't mention it.

"If you're hungry, go eat the bread first!"

Pei Anzhi's voice came from inside, and as soon as the voice fell, the figure appeared at the bedroom door.

Pei Yunze frowned even more tightly, "My mother said she would make me breakfast!"

"No time!"

Pei Anzhi lifted his feet in slippers and kicked Pei Yunze out of the door. In this way, he picked up the bewildered Ye Susu back to the bedroom in front of Pei Yunze. Finally, he closed the bedroom door with his feet.

Pei Yunze looked at the bedroom door with disgust, carrying his small suitcase, and walking downstairs step by step.

I took out the bread from the refrigerator, sat on the sofa, turned on the TV and started to nibble,

The taste of dry bread is indeed not very good, Pei Yunze frowned, glanced down at the bread, and took another bite helplessly.

Think about it, this is the first time I have eaten this kind of breakfast. Every day in the past, my mother made it.

Thinking of the way his mother was just now, except for the few illnesses in his impression, he had never seen his mother like that.

She always wakes up early, not only does she wake up late today, she also looks like she can't wake up...

"Is it sick again?"

Yunze murmured himself, turned his head and glanced upstairs, the star-black eyes flashed with worry.

He wanted to go up and have a look, but when he thought that his father had just kicked him out and held him in a ***, he dispelled the idea.

Doesn't seem to need him!


Pei Anzhi gently put Ye Susu on the bed, and Ye Susu looked at him sleepily. Although he was sleepy, he still tried to prop up his eyes and raised his hand for a stretch.

"Don't go to bed, I get up to make breakfast for couples!"

She said that she wanted to get up, but was stunned by Pei Anzhi.

"Go to bed first! He will find a way when he is hungry."

Ye Susu smiled lazily, her voice obviously dull after waking up: "What can he think of? Eat bread by himself?"

"It's good if you don't starve!"

"En? Is he still your son? How do you feel that you are a stepfather?"

"It's just a breakfast..."

"Breakfast is the most important thing!"

Pei Anzhi pressed his lips hard, looking like he was completely defeated!

"Well, you continue to sleep! I will go down to make breakfast!"

[While writing Susu Yawning, I have been yawning too... Babies! I will have at least eight changes tomorrow! Not enough for you to eat me! ! ! 】

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