Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2140: Is it cooked?

"Well, you continue to sleep! I will go down to make breakfast!"

Ye Susu curled her lips and kissed Pei Anzhi’s lips.

"Then hard work husband!"

Ye Susu still has a sense of accomplishment as far as Pei Anzhi can cook.

You know, this is what she trained by hand.

Although only cooking noodles, porridge, plus poached eggs!

But breakfast is no problem.

Pei An got off the bed, casually put on a piece of home clothes, Ye Susu turned over, yawned lightly, and continued to fall asleep.

Pei Anzhi glanced at her before leaving, and a deep flash of eyes flashed in her eyes.

When he went downstairs, he saw two of them sitting on the sofa watching the news, holding a slice of bread in his hand and chewing on his reluctant face, Pei Anzhi gently pulled the corners of his lips.

"Cooking noodles, do you want to eat?"

Hearing the sound, Pei Yunze turned his head and looked at Pei Anzhi with disgust.

"You can?"

This brat!

"Are you questioning me?" The voice was cold and unhappy.

"Well, I am indeed questioning!"

Pei Yunze was not affected by Pei Anzhi's low air pressure at all, and nodded without fear.

Pei Anzhi raised his eyebrows, "From now on, you should keep a little distance from that stinky boy Yuan Wenqian!"

He's going to be **** off, but he has learned quite a bit!

"Add me a poached egg, thank you Dad!"

Pei Yunze immediately changed the subject, and while talking, threw the half-eaten bread into the trash can with a look of disgust.

Pei Anzhi glared at him, walked toward the kitchen, and rolled up his sleeves, looking like something really happened.

Pei Yunze looked at his father's back, turned his dark eyes twice, threw the remote control aside, and followed Pei Anzhi into the kitchen.

Then, he really saw his incredible dad who hadn't been exposed to Yang Chunshui in his previous life was boiling water.

It is simply a spectacle!

"What are you looking at?"

Pei Anzhi turned around and saw the little man hiding in the door of the kitchen, with a small furry head poking his head inside.

Pei Yunze raised his head to look at Pei Anzhi, his small face was still questioning, "Are you...really okay?"

Pei Anzhi's face went dark, walked to him, kicked him, "Get out!"

Pei Yunze got up and avoided Pei Anzhi's feet, and stepped aside, "Don't blame me for doubting you! My mother has to surround it every time I cook!"

Pei Anzhi looked in the direction Pei Yunze was pointing, and saw the pink plaid apron on the wall hook at the door, and the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely.

He turned to look at Pei Yunze again, but saw him looking at him with a smirk!

Pei Anzhi gritted his teeth, turned around and picked up the spoon on the side, and was about to strike Pei Yunze on the head.

Pei Yunze responded quickly, covering his head and stepping aside, "If you hit me, I will tell my mom!"

Pei Anzhi still didn't fight.

This brat obviously knows what his weakness is!

Most of this cunning look was learned from Yuan Wenqian.

"Get out and watch the news!"

"Don't you really know how to do it?"

"You are here to affect my normal performance!"

Pei Yunze curled his lips, there are really many problems.

But he didn't continue to be poor, and turned and walked out of the restaurant.

If this continues, breakfast will definitely be no good,

After about ten minutes, Pei Anzhi's voice sounded in the restaurant, calling for Pei Yunze to eat.

Because I have been watching TV, I always feel that the cooking time does not seem to be very long.

Pei Yunze walked to the kitchen and looked suspiciously at Pei Anzhi who arranged the tableware, "So soon! Are you cooked?"

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