Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2141: Noodles like porridge

Pei Yunze walked to the kitchen and looked suspiciously at Pei Anzhi who arranged the tableware, "So soon! Are you cooked?"

Pei Anzhi glanced at the noodles in the bowl, not this time, but not tossing with Pei Yunze this time, but calmly said, "It's cooked."

This attitude made Pei Yunze's heart tremble. A strong anxiety and doubts flooded Qi Qi. He curiously walked to the table and climbed up the chair with his hands and feet.

Glancing at the surface on the dining table, the corner of his mouth twitched.

Looking up at Pei Anzhi with a weird expression, he pointed to the bowl on the dining table and said:

"Are you sure this is noodles and not porridge?"

A thick embarrassment appeared on Pei Anzhi's handsome face, and he stared at Pei Yunze fiercely: "Yes!"

Pei Yunze turned his head and glanced at the porridge-like noodles again, "haha" laughed twice.

I sighed in my heart: "It looks familiar."

Pei Anzhi was made uncomfortable by Pei Yunze's ridicule of Chi Guoguo, and knocked his hand on the dining table twice, "Hurry up!"

Pei Yunze stiffly picked up the chopsticks and picked the noodles in the bowl, but couldn't pick it up at all.

He blankly looked up at Pei Anzhi and tried his best to make his expression indifferent. He didn't say a word, but just a look made Pei Anzhi very embarrassed.

Pei Anzhi silently turned around and walked towards the kitchen. He came out of the kitchen not long before and silently handed Pei Yunze a spoon.

Pei Yunze took the spoon clearly, dug a spoon, put it in his mouth and started eating.

In short, it's better to be cooked, better than not.

Pei Anzhi looked uncomfortable looking at Pei Yunze's eating, and seemed to be more uncomfortable than seeing Pei Yunze sitting on the sofa and eating bread when he just went downstairs.

He raised his hand and touched his forehead uncomfortably to prevent Pei Yunze from looking for another chance to damage him, turned around, raised his foot and walked out!

Pei Yunze was very confused in his heart, why in just a few minutes, his father cooked the noodles to such a soft level!

And the taste gets weird the more I eat it.

The more he thought about it, the more something went wrong, Pei Yunze jumped off the chair, ran to the kitchen and climbed onto the flow table with a small bench. With dark eyes on the seasoning, he found two small white marks on the seasoning box.

He stretched out his hand and twisted it, put it to his mouth and tasted it, only felt that his tongue was astringent and tasteless!

I twisted the next slice again, put it in my mouth and tasted it, and then frowned!

This is salt! What was it just now?

He opened the box containing the seasonings, and tasted the seasonings in the corresponding boxes. One kind of salty may be salt, and the other kind of tasteless. It feels the same as before. For a while, he didn't know what it was, but he thought When the bowl of noodles is the same as porridge, think about it, it is probably something called alkali.

Generally, things that are difficult to cook, add some alkali, and they will cook quickly.

For example, it will be used when you want to cook some beans.

Boil the noodles and put alkali, hehe...

Used alkali as salt?

Afterwards, he estimated that he tasted it and felt something was wrong, so he added salt again?

This is his level?

It's not ashamed!

However, he is really incompetent to him. This kind of food can be eaten for him. If his mother eats it, he will definitely be embarrassed to bring it out!

This differential treatment!

Shaking his head and pitying myself, I sat on the chair and ate two more bites. It was really hard to swallow. I simply threw away the spoon, poured myself a glass of milk, drank it in one go, and served it as breakfast!

I really don't know how much alkali he put in!

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