Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2153: I adore you

Yuan Yao exploded immediately!

"Pei Anzhi, you have a minimum budget of 10 billion for a project, are you crazy?! Buying two film and television bases is more than enough?!"

Pei Anzhi is rather leisurely, "Who told you I only need this film and television base?"

Yuan Yao blinked, her big eyes could no longer conceal the ghostly light, her big pupils rolled around in her eye sockets, wiped her mouth, stood up and walked to Xia Mingxiu's side and patted Xia Mingxiu, angry. Nuzui, signaled Xia Mingxiu to change seats.

Xia Mingxiu frowned, of course not happy, but when Yuan Yao refused to take him again, his strength was so strong that he felt pain, and there was no way, so she had to follow her.

Xia Mingxiu obediently gave up his seat, and Yuan Yao sat down on his seat, dragging the chair to Pei Anzhi's side.

Pei An leaned back in disgust, and said with a cold face: "Stay away from me!"

"Why, I'm not a plague!"

Yuan Yao said, her body still backed away.

Ye Susu felt funny on the side and shook his head helplessly.

"Pei Anzhi, tell me, what exactly do you think?"

Pei Anzhi looked at her disdainfully.

Yuan Yao touched her nose, cleared her throat, and looked at Pei Anzhi's eyes again with a bright expression, even with a somewhat obvious sense of worship.

"Pei Anzhi, you know, I really admire you. Not only are people beautiful... Uh, they are handsome and temperamental, and no one else can do business! Absolutely among the people. …No, the dragon among the people! Susu can see you, it proves that her vision is superb, so good fortune! When Susu was sad and sad and wanted to give up you, I still tried to persuade her three Four! To be honest, I felt guilty at the time, but seeing you hear it now, I am relieved. Haha...I am so happy for Susu..."

Yuan Yao paused for a few seconds before taking a sip of water and continued:

"Actually... the idea you just had, I also think your idea is quite good, surely it will work. You, Pei Anzhi, will definitely get the right one! I have no doubt about this!"




Everyone was speechless for a while.

Although there are some words, there may be so little authenticity.

But from Yuan Yao's mouth at this moment, how to listen and fake!

Susu has a vision?

Advise her to think twice when she was just married?

Wasn't she the first one to make her give up on Anzhi?

He threatened to find her the next spring!

Even when the grievance is too bad, who is holding a baseball bat and threatening to repair Pei Anzhi?

Ye Susu was amused, and even almost laughed out loud.


Doesn't she even feel blush when she says these things?

Worship An Zhi?


Good temperament?

No one's mind can match?

Dragon among people?

Her words are really comprehensive.

I can't wait to praise Anzhi's moral, intellectual, physical, and artistic work.

But it's too fake, it's too fake.

Yuan Yao doesn't look down on Pei Anzhi, because of Susu, although Susu has been very happy now, she still has a prejudice against Pei Anzhi who has hurt Susu before!

Big prejudice!

Even Pei Anzhi can feel these,

Now she said so suddenly, it sounded awkward, she couldn't help getting goose bumps all over.

Even the two little guys on the side looked at Yuan Yao like idiots,

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