Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2154: Isn't your chief executive very good?

Even the two little guys on the side looked at Yuan Yao like idiots.

This flattering is too much.

Xia Mingxiu, who had never heard Yuan Yao talking about other men, felt ridiculous at this time.

This woman is a small money fan.

The atmosphere was embarrassing, Yuan Yao didn't realize it, but the words had already been spoken, there was no possibility of taking it back, so he could only bite the bullet and continued:

"Pei Anzhi, talk about it, tell me how you plan?"

She got closer to Pei Anzhi again.

"You stay away from me!"

Pei Anzhi said in a deep voice again, and he withdrew again.

Yuan Yao didn't listen, and when Pei An withdrew, she moved closer!

"Then tell me, I will stay away from you after you tell me!"

This woman, the rascal is brushing up like this!

Seeing Yuan Yao's face getting closer and closer, Pei Anzhi stretched out a finger against Yuan Yao's shoulder and pushed her away.

"It's OK..."

He had never met such a cheeky woman in his life who dared to play tricks with him.

But he was really helpless, and had no choice but to compromise.

Yuan Yao succeeded, a trace of pride flashed in her eyes.

Pei Anzhi glanced at her with extreme disgust, adjusted his whole body, looked at Yuan Yao's curious expression, wishing to eat him quickly, turned his head and glanced at Ye Susu with a bitter expression.

Ye Susu smiled apologetically at him, indicating that she herself was helpless.

Pei Anzhi can only admit it, and roughly talked about what he just thought of.

Roughly speaking, apart from here, most of the hotels in this studio are in the middle and so on. Although the class hierarchy exists here, it is too obvious.

Even the lower-middle level needs to be improved.

The only thing that can get on the countertop here is the hotel where they are now,

The consumption here is not something ordinary people can consume. With such a heavy profit, the boss here will not easily transfer the hotel out.

When talking about this, Yuan Yao frowned and inserted a sentence, "Do you mean it doesn't move here? If it doesn't move here, the money is still earned by others!"

Pei Anzhi cast her an idiotic look, "Can you make all the money in the world by yourself?"

Yuan Yao laughed dryly after hearing this.

"I'll just talk, my brain is not enough, hehe... But you are still a bit human, and you know you can't eat alone..."



As soon as these words came out, the words she had just praised Pei Anzhi said became even more ridiculous.

Still a bit human?

Just now she was so praising that he was "still a bit human" and surprised her so much!

If it hadn't been known in advance that she was unwilling to say something, Pei Anzhi estimated that she would lift the table angrily.

This mad woman who is not paying her life!

Ye Susu sensed his unstable temper and reached out and grabbed his hand.

Pei Anzhi pursed his lips, suppressed the anger in his heart, and continued to explain: "If you are the boss here, you will definitely not let go of this piece of fat. If you want to buy this hotel, don't even think about it. "

Yuan Yao said again, "But isn't your Pei family very good? Then on TV, in novels, it's not about making you big CEOs upset, and you can buy other companies with a wave of your hand. How come you Can't it?"


Pei Anzhi's teeth creaked.

"Let you say that, can I kill someone?"

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