Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2186: They all say marriage is a tomb

Ye Susu smiled lowly, before speaking, another woman said, "The two are the second child, and the boss, is it called Yiyi? This name is really good, simple, and cute, one by one, definitely Isn't she a pretty little princess?"

The woman talked to herself and gave the name of the boss in his family!

It's just that Ye Susu couldn't help laughing when she heard it, the kind that was not at all implicit.

A few women were bluffed for a moment, and they asked "what's wrong?"

Ye Susu looked at Pei Anzhi and noticed that his face was not very good-looking, but she couldn't resist her feeling that it was really funny.

When she knew why Pei Anzhi named her two pairs, she really couldn't laugh or cry.

Because she hadn't expected An Zhi to be so cute.

Two by two...

One by one?

Pretty little princess?

In order to defend his position, Anzhi and his son actually fought over the rankings.

It was said before that they were the third party between them. In order to prevent Ye Susu from being suspicious, they directly crushed each other in terms of status.

At the beginning, I had to be the No. 1 pick in Ye Susu's heart, but now it's better, No. 1, one by one, beautiful little princess?

Ye Susu couldn't help thinking of this, and laughed again.

"Puff...yes...yes, my one is a beautiful little princess...hehe..."

Pei Anzhi's hand holding her waist tickled her waist calmly, Ye Susu's body trembled suddenly, leaning softly against Pei Anzhi's arms,

"Where did baby mom go to play this time?"

Ye Susu immediately followed the woman's new question and answered:

"Go to Australia and look around."

The topic just now cannot be continued, otherwise she will definitely be ashamed in public.

Thank this sister for leaving the topic in time

The questioning woman nodded, "Yes, I really need to look around while I have time now, otherwise I will wait until my belly is big and reborn, I am afraid I will never have the opportunity to play again in my life. Although I wait until the child grows up. There may still be a chance, but I am even more regretful when I get older and cannot walk or eat. I should go out and have more fun!"

Ye Susu nodded, "Well, I think so too."

"That's right! The second-child policy was started two years ago. All of us have had second children. Now the children are over two years old. We are all clenching our teeth and talking to the elders in the family. Heaven and earth have the opportunity to form a group to go out and play together. When you get married and have children, you are really not alone. Your husband has absolutely no say in this matter, but parents-in-laws can’t do it. You must be a daughter-in-law. To explain to the parents-in-laws, the parents-in-laws have to explain to their relatives and neighbors. The old people don’t like to let others make irresponsible remarks behind their backs. Understand, some are not good, but we don’t care, a woman can be young for a few years. I thought there was hope for a happy and happy life after marriage, but then I learned that it is really a woman’s tomb..."

"Yeah, what marriage is a tomb, it is only a woman's tomb. Men are more chic, and it doesn't count as if they marry a wife. It doesn't count as if the wife gives birth to them. They have to take care of their parents and wash their clothes. Washing socks and ironing clothes, and taking care of them both inside and out. They look like dogs, and on the other hand they think you have a yellow face..."

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