Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2187: Not good foreboding

Men are more chic, saying that marrying a wife does not count as a wife giving birth to them, but also taking care of their parents, washing them, washing socks and ironing clothes, and taking care of them inside and out. You look like a dog, and in turn think you have a yellow face."

"Turn around to find young and beautiful women who are happy and happy, why?! We owe them! So we still think more about ourselves. Others don't care for us, we can only care for ourselves."

One of the women took the call, filled with righteous indignation.

Some people may think that this is not right to say in front of Pei Anzhi, and immediately said: "Yes, women should learn to be selfish, but this is also difficult. Some things are always involuntary, such as now, I just left the two little friends in my house, and I started to think about it. I was always worried about whether they would be uncomfortable and crying a lot..."

"Oh, don't say anything, it makes me feel distressed now..."

A few people chatted again and again, leaving Ye Susu and Pei Anzhi who didn't talk much to one side.

Ye Susu was silent, and took Pei Anzhi to the side.

"what happened?"

Pei Anzhi didn't seem to be affected by the words of those women just now. Ye Susu lowered his head and pulled out the phone in his bag, and looked up at Pei Anzhi.

"I haven't greeted my grandfather and parents yet."

Pei Anzhi nodded, nodded on her mobile phone, and said, "Then you call it."


Ye Susu responded and had already dialed the number of the old house.

The call was answered by the servant.

In the old house, most of the servants call her young grandma.

"Miss grandma, good morning, what can you do?"

"Oh, Sister Li, are grandpa and parents there?"

"Yes, they just finished breakfast."

"Oh, I want...they answer the phone!"

Ye Susu paused and didn't directly say who exactly.

Aunt Li froze for a while and asked, "Who does the young lady want to find?"

"...I look for them all."

Ye Susu said that Pei Anzhi frowned slightly beside him, turned his head and glanced at her suspiciously.

Later, he withdrew his gaze again. He always knew that Susu had always done things well, and that he knew how to measure, and there shouldn't be any trouble.

But he was a little uncertain inexplicably, always feeling that Su Su wanted to do something.

Sister Li over there was not talking, Ye Susu only vaguely heard Sister Li's voice, and seemed to be asking Father Pei and Father Pei to listen to the phone.

Then there was the voice of Mother Pei's doubts and dissatisfaction, "What is the matter for the three of us to listen to the phone together, really..."

"Hey, Susu!"

Father Pei sang like Hong Zhong's voice from the phone, and directly suppressed Mother Pei's voice.

It was just so many years of getting along, on the one hand, it was subconsciously unconscious about Pei's mother and understanding her, Ye Susu did not take Pei's words to heart.

Instead, he said directly to the phone: "Grandpa, I have something to tell you."

Pei Anzhi's brow suddenly jumped.

Father Pei on the other end of the phone paused for a few seconds, unable to adapt to Ye Susu's mysterious style.

But still said: "Okay, wait!"

Ye Susu let out a "yes", and then he heard the father order people to change the phone to hands-free.

"Well, Susu, what do you have to say now!"

Ye Susu turned his head and glanced at Pei Anzhi. The uncommon cunning and indescribable smile in those eyes made Pei Anzhi's heart suddenly a bad premonition.

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