Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2188: I'm pregnant

Ye Susu turned his head and glanced at Pei Anzhi. The uncommon cunning and indescribable smile in those eyes made Pei Anzhi's heart suddenly a bad premonition.

He looked at her incomprehensibly, but saw Ye Susu softly open his lips and whispered:


"here I am!"

"In the morning, what can you do? If it doesn't work, just bring them back together."

Mother Pei said dissatisfiedly, not revealing her careful thoughts.

Sure enough, grandson is better.

"Grandpa, Dad, Mom, I'm pregnant."

Pei Anzhi's brow jumped fiercely, and the anxiety just now finally had an explanation.

He had just doubted this issue, but he felt that it was impossible for Ye Susu to say this.

Since she decided to go abroad to play with him, she might hide it for a while in order not to make her elders worry about being pregnant.

At least you have to wait for them to come back before telling them.

Now I told them, would those people let Susu leave Kyoto?

It is estimated that she will be taken to the old house again, and she will have to be followed closely even when she goes out.

Then, really, I dug a hole and buried myself.

Not only was Pei Anzhi stunned, but on the phone...

Ye Susu deliberately brought the phone closer to his ears, but still couldn't hear any sound. For a long time, it suddenly became noisy again.

"What? What? What?! Susu, you say it again! We didn't hear clearly just now, you say it again!"

"Yes, yes, what is it? I just seemed to have hallucinations."

"Me too..."

The voices of several people came over layer by layer, almost vying to hear, their voices increasing from small to loud, Ye Susu covered his mouth and smiled. It is completely conceivable that the elders in the old house were vying for the phone.

So she once again lived up to expectations and said word by word:

"I said, I have already checked and confirmed that I am pregnant, thirty-six days."

"Yo! Yo! My great-granddaughter is coming?"

The old man said in surprise over there, with doubts, he still couldn't believe it.

" seems to be my dad, I seem to be holding my granddaughter!"

Father Pei stammered a bit when he was excited, and he was still taking reassurance to the old man over there.

"Oh, my beautiful granddaughter!"

Mother Pei also clapped her palms excitedly, just listening to that tone, she felt as if the child had been born and hugged in front of her.

Naturally, Ye Susu was very pleased with the reaction of several elders who looked forward to their children.

"I don't know if it's a daughter..."

Ye Susu reminded not to make them too happy.

If the expectation of the girl is too great, if in the end it is a son, will they be disappointed?

The vaccination is still needed!

This kind of thing cannot be controlled by any of them.

"It's good for grandsons, as long as they are descendants of Pei's family, they are good!"

The old man passed over with a smile, and father and mother Pei also responded.

Ye Susu finally let go of her heart.

"Susu, where are you now? You are alone. We don’t worry. You ask Anzhi to send you back. Otherwise, your dad and I will drive you to pick you up! What do you want to eat? We will buy it for you. , Let me tell you, come home, put the company's business aside, be careful..."

Luo Qing said for a long time, all kinds of instructions.

"Yes, Susu, come home!" The old man agreed,

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