Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2206: it's not a big deal

Yuan Yao twitched her lips and moved back. In front of his parents, how embarrassed she was...

Mother Xia turned her head and glanced at Father Xia, the expression in her eyes was unpredictable.

"Taste it."

Xia Mingxiu didn't care about this, and looked at Yuan Yao with a spoon.

It seems that if Yuan Yao doesn’t eat today, he keeps holding the same,

No way, Yuan Yao could only open her mouth and ate the custard.

Sure enough, there is no fishy smell, the sweetness of the fruit and the smooth feeling are actually better than pudding.

"how about it?"

Xia Mingxiu asked again, Yuan Yao nodded repeatedly and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Well, it's really delicious!"

Yuan Yao's mouth is extremely mouthful. He likes to eat, can eat, and naturally eats too.

This taste is not only the result of the fruit cup, but also what processing methods she doesn't know about. In short, it is delicious. She has never eaten such a delicious custard before.

A pair of eyes twinkled, and the surprise and love in the eyes couldn't hide the slightest.

Seeing Yuan Yao's cute look, the atmosphere at the dinner table also changed.

Xia Mingxiu looked at Yuan Yao, her frowning brows gradually flattened, and the curvature of the corners of her lips softened.

Mother Xia looked at Xia Mingxiu with a little surprise, her gaze froze on Yuan Yao's face for a few seconds, and finally she looked back suspiciously.

He glanced at the man who was teasing his grandson from the corner of his eye, and pressed his lips tightly.

Yuan Yao was distracted by a bite of custard. Seeing that she couldn't help taking another bite, the feeling of contentment in her bright eyes was so touching, Xia Mingxiu looked at her, her dark and moist eyes dimmed.

Under the table, Yuan Yao's hand between her legs was held on the palm of her hand.

Yuan Yao's smiling face suddenly stiffened, and her body paused.

When the reflection came back, she wanted to take her hand out for the first time, but Xia Mingxiu clenched slightly, her fingertips gently pressed between her fingers, she trembled, but he followed the fingers. Get into the palm of her hand and scratch her palm gently.

"Are there any plans for future work?"

Father Xia suddenly spoke, and his gaze looked directly at Yuan Yao,

Yuan Yao suffocated her chest in one breath, almost breathing out.

She immediately pulled her arm vigorously, but Xia Mingxiu still didn't let go of her.

This kind of action is already obvious, and Father Xia is not blind, he can also see the small movements of the two people, but it is not easy to say!

Yuan Yao was not in the mood to pay attention to Xia Mingxiu anymore, so she pretended to give up temporarily and looked at Father Pei with a smile, and said, "No, there are almost no notices when I came to China. The movies just finished are actually not planned. "

Xia Mingxiu pulled his lips gently, of course outside the plan, if everything is within your plan, then how could they be together.

In her original plan, she didn't even count him in it.

Thinking of this, Xia Mingxiu couldn't help but get a little angry.

He pinched Yuan Yao's hand punitively.

Yuan Yao was in pain, gritted her teeth, raised her foot and kicked hard towards Xia Mingxiu.


Father Xia coughed suddenly and raised his head again to look at Yuan Yao, two groups of air-conditioners gathered in his calm eyes.

"what happened?"

Mother Xia's voice sounded softly, looking at the man next to her with some worry.

Father Xia glanced at Yuan Yao, secretly retracted his legs.

"Knee hit the leg of the table, it's no big deal."

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