"Knee hit the leg of the table, it's no big deal."

Xia Mu said a little angrily: "Be careful, I have never heard of you being touched by a table leg. What happened today?"

Embarrassment flashed across Father Xia's face, "Hurry up and eat your meal."

Mother Xia could see his awkwardness, and smiled without speaking.

Yuan Yao opened her mouth in surprise, turned her head and glanced at Xia Mingxiu, who was expressionless, and then at Father Xia, who was frowning. Her heart "cocked" and her charming little face was flushed with just one brush. .

She hurriedly lowered her head in a bewilderment, and quickly put her feet back.

Hidden under his chair.

Her hand was still held by Xia Mingxiu, Yuan Yao lowered her head and looked at the shape of Xia Mingxiu's well-structured hand holding her hand, and angrily stretched out her other hand and squeezed it on the back of his hand.

Xia Mingxiu still did not move. Seeing the back of his hand pinched red by herself, Yuan Yao looked sideways at him, but when she saw him, she also looked sideways, looking at her ambiguously in her dark eyes.

Yuan Yao's cheeks turned red, and she returned her gaze to the dining table.

She secretly took a deep breath, adjusted her state to meet the next challenge.

As an actor, she has had contact with both Western and Eastern dining etiquette. What's more, she unconsciously combined Chinese and Western. There was no problem during dinner.

At the very least, apart from accidentally kicking Xia's father at the beginning, the meal went smoothly.

Xia's father and Xia's mother didn't find her fault, and asked her for trouble.

Sitting on the sofa, Yuan Yao also relaxed a lot. She didn't get embarrassed at the table. She instantly felt that Xia's father and Xia's mother were like angel-level figures.

It's just that Xia Mingxiu's expression turned cold again after dinner.

The servant put fruit plates, desserts and tea on the coffee table.

Then he retreated silently to the side.

Xia Mu gave Yuan Wenqian a piece of melon and fruit carved into a small animal. Because he had just seen the most beautiful carving on the dinner table, Yuan Wenqian did not have much freshness at this moment, but just took a bite as a fruit. .

Yuan Yao watched Yuan Wenqian sitting between the two old men, completely treated as a living treasure, with a slight smile on her face and a little satisfaction in her heart.

Just as Yuan Yao's last tense nerves relaxed, Father Xia suddenly looked at her and called her.

"Yuan Yao..."

Yuan Yao stopped eating fruit, looked at Father Xia, nodded gently, and said politely:

"I'm here."

The expression in Xia Mingxiu's eyes darkened a little, and he raised his head to look at Father Xia, his brows were slightly closed.

Father Xia didn't have much affection for Yuan Yao.

Xia Mingxiu is still a little confused about what his father is thinking.

Starting from the solemn and formal dinner prepared tonight without saying hello to him at all, he could see to some extent that they were looking for a chance to pick Yuan Yao's fault.

It’s just that they didn’t expect that Yuan Yao, an orphan, has a more general life experience than an average family, without a father or mother, so naturally no one would give her the most basic things. How could a person who has not experienced family education be able to cope with it? Such a formal scene?

But Yuan Yao is doing very well now, completely beyond their expectations.

I didn't find the troublesome person for Yuan Yao at the dinner table. Now I suddenly said, what do you want to do?

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