And just as he was about to have an attack, Yuan Yao suddenly stood up from the sofa, without the slightest warning, shocking everyone in the room!

Father Xia's words came to an abrupt end because of her sudden action.

She frowned and looked at Yuan Yao dissatisfied.

Yuan Yao changed her attitude of being only stubborn and fearful, frowning, her eyes with deep anger and coldness.

She stared at Father Xia closely, and said coldly:

"I chose to give birth to Hanqian back then, and I never intended to let him have any relationship with your Xia family! I never thought you would say thank you to me! A word of thank you can wipe out all the crimes I have suffered? What is the use of a word of thank you Can you eat or wear? Also, don’t say thank you to me, because I didn’t plan to let Wen Qian recognize his ancestors from the beginning! Do you think Wen Qian is not ashamed of your surname Xia? That’s right. , Throw it away! What does it have to do with me!"

Tonight, even if Xia’s father’s attitude is so good, even a little bit, she can still end the dinner steadily and steadily as she did just now, without speaking or refuting.

But she didn't expect that a man who has lived for most of his life would have such a dirty, stubborn, and arrogant appearance that makes people very uncomfortable.

Father Xia's lips trembled and couldn't keep it together.

No one had ever rebelled against him so much, and it was even more impossible to stand in front of him against him.

"You, you... really don't have a tutor!"

Yuan Yao sneered, "Yes! I have no father and no mother, and no one really taught me what a tutor is. But I know everything is reasonable. You said I don’t have a tutor, just because I didn’t give it to you today. Face. But, people are mutual, I don’t say today that I’m young and ignorant, and you don’t want to rely on the old and sell the old here today! You can’t love the young, and blame me for being the elder! I don’t have a tutor. , I was born in China, and the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation are my family tutor! I hate that I don’t have a tutor. Am I murdering and breaking the law, or are you sorry for anyone in your Xia family?

Father Xia could only stare angrily, and he had a little room to reply to Yuan Yao's words.

"Sharp teeth! Don't use yourself as a spokesperson for traditional Chinese virtues! In places like the entertainment circle, talk about traditional Chinese virtues..."

"What happened to the entertainment industry?! How do you look down on the entertainment industry?"

Father Xia coldly snorted, "Entertainment circle? Huh, how many of the women who come out of the circle are clean?! Betrayed yourself, behaved in a gimmick, earning dirty money, superficially beautiful, in fact How is it, you know it in your heart!"

"I don't understand!" Yuan Yao suddenly raised her voice again, she was thoroughly poked to a sensitive point today.

She has always had a bad temper. The moment she stood up and confronted Xia's father, she had long given up on the image of gentleness, generosity, and good wife and mother that she had been constantly practicing since yesterday. Now she is excited by this old stubbornness and thoroughly exposed. She became violent and her six relatives did not recognize the nature,

"Who stipulates that there are no people in the entertainment industry who make money purely by hard work? What if some people are not clean? What about the top gimmicks? They also get it on their own!"

"You think if there is a better choice, which woman would choose an extreme path, if it weren't for powerful and powerful people like you to use money, power and future to persecute them, causing this series of unspoken rules In the biological chain, who would choose to sell his body?"

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