Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2214: There is no room for sophistry

"You think if there is a better choice, which woman would choose an extreme path, if it weren't for powerful and powerful people like you to use money, power and future to persecute them, causing this series of unspoken rules In the biological chain, who would choose to sell his body?"

"If you betray you, you have to wait to be exposed. If you are exposed, there will be nothing! This kind of phenomenon, why do you only let us women take the blame!"

"When things happen, you habitually push women against women. It seems that your prejudice against women is not so big. For example, if your aunt gave birth to a daughter, I wonder if you can treat her as well as you do now!"

"You presumptuous!"

Father Xia suddenly became furious, and those furious eyes were a world of difference compared to just now.

I don't know if Yuan Yao's words really meant something, Xia's father's anger suddenly rose sharply, and Xia's mother's face went white all of a sudden, her lips trembled, and she couldn't say a word.

Yuan Yao's heart was stunned, the first reaction was that she might have said something accidentally.

So Xia Mingxiu's father was really because Xia's mother gave birth to a boy...

If this is the case...

Yuan Yao raised her head again, her eyes looking at Father Xia a little bit more disdainful and resisting.

Father Xia looked at Yuan Yao's expression, his chest violently up and down.

"I'm not presumptuous! How long I was nervous about today's family dinner, I think you should also be able to see how nervous I was before this! It was you who prejudiced me first... You can be right I have a prejudice. I can't influence you on this, but you can't disrespect me, disrespect women, disrespect my career, let alone generalize, and deny everyone because of a few special cases!"

"You look down on people in the entertainment industry, look down on some female stars for speculation, and look down on the money they make! But don't forget, what does your Xia family do?"

"Those celebrities rely on all kinds of unclean methods to get in the position, advertising endorsement fees, film and television remuneration, commercial activities, etc., your Xia family company takes the big head! You look down on the actresses, dislike them, and dislike them. The money is not clean, and you take the money they earned for granted! Why are you now a master?!"

Yuan Yao became more angry as she talked, her mouth was quicker than her mind.

After speaking out, I feel that what I just said is really the same thing!

After agreeing, this anger really doesn't come out!

No, he kept despising the people who looked down on, supporting and raising their Xia family, letting them show off the Xia family all day long, shouting dignity, what famous family, what their Xia family dignity, despise this and despise that, in the end What?

I am the shameless one!

Yuan Yao's words changed the atmosphere in the living room again!

Father Xia's complexion rose to purple, sitting on the sofa with a cold face, holding back abruptly, unable to say anything.

This time, Yuan Yao calculated the account clearly, saying that it was a good word. If he refuted anything, it would really become a sophistry.

For so many years, he was only thinking about how to fight for greater benefits. He only knew how to drain the last drop of energy from those people. He only knew that they were selling their colors and their bodies for the sake of fame and money.

He really looked down on them, but he never thought about this problem carefully,

Now that Yuan Yao brought it up, he realized that he didn't even have room for sophistry.

[Originally today--yesterday I promised to add more changes, but there was a temporary accident. I can only add a chapter now. Sorry everyone. 】

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