Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2222: A person who never realizes his mistake

Now being filmed by a girl, she is still a sharp-toothed girl with a fiery temper and no quality. There is only an insight into the girl who has a skin and is against him everywhere!

"A woman is sly and fickle, and the actor's identity is difficult to distinguish. She has a skin bag, but she is confused by a skin bag. My Xia family can't afford to lose this person. If you want to leave, let me go completely! You son!"

Xia Mingxiu gritted his teeth, with a calm face, suddenly grasped Yuan Yao's hand and walked out!

Mother Xia paused because of Father Xia’s words, her eyes full of sorrow, "What are you talking about? What do you mean as having no son! Mingxiu is my son, this is a fact that can never be changed! Even Yuan Yao just grows up? Beautiful, is that wrong? The Xia family can’t afford to lose this person? What qualifications do you have to explain? Don’t force everything you experience on your child! Love is not a matter of one person! Ming Xiu is not you, Yuan Yao It’s not Shenmei! She just didn’t love you back then..."

"Shut up to me!" Father Xia suddenly yelled again, and suddenly swept the purple tea teapot held by the servant beside him to the ground. The cracking sound of the teapot broke Xia Mu's voice.

Yuan Yao stopped suddenly, Xia Mingxiu also stopped at the same time, and the two turned around at the same time.

Then he watched Father Xia's anger shrouded in anger and stared at Mother Xia, almost as if he was about to eat people.

But Xia Mu was in tears, her whole body trembled, and she felt wronged.

But the words did not continue after all!

Xia Mingxiu gritted his teeth hard this time, so that the blue veins on both sides of his cheeks were obviously raised.

He released Yuan Yao's hand, stepped forward, and pulled Xia Mu to his side, then raised his head, his eyes were already scarlet.

Looking at Xia Mu's infinite sadness and grievance, Yuan Yao couldn't bear it. He couldn't help but walked to her side and reached out to help Xia Mu wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

Mother Xia lowered her head, wiped the tears from her chin, and reached out to hold Yuan Yao's hand.

Yuan Wenqian on the side raised his head, and his **** eyes looked at Mother Xia worriedly, and the little hand held her silk shawl.

Mother Xia looked at her lovely and sensible grandson with tears in her eyes, stretched out her hand and gently caressed the top of Fu Yuan Wenqian's head, and pulled out a smile that was not very beautiful, and said softly:

"Grandma is fine."

Father Xia’s life is smooth, with a good background and a good family background. He is also capable enough to make the original Xia family go to the next level. He has a smooth career. He has never experienced the taste of someone working tirelessly for faith and life. I never know how many sufferings and entanglements they have in their lives, how many crossroads they have experienced, and what they choose to give up when they choose to get something! Even giving up is something more important than getting more.

Too many people lose their way at the crossroads. Compared with what they want to get, they pay too much, work too hard and hard, and the two are completely out of proportion.

As for Xia Mingxiu’s father, he has always only wanted what he wanted, nothing he couldn’t get, and it’s all easy things. When others are suffering to get it, he can do everything with just a word or even a look in his eyes. Get caught.

In this way, a person who does not have much emotional experience will never truly understand a person, so he does not realize that he himself is wrong and where he is wrong.

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