Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2223: If it weren't for you...

In this way, a person who does not have much emotional experience will never truly understand a person, so he does not realize that he himself is wrong and where he is wrong.

Now, even if everyone is on the opposite side, he still feels right!

Any decision he makes is absolute!

Even if he saw his wife burst into tears, and even if he felt a little suffocated, he still couldn't stand his bottom line being provoked.

Looking at the scene of the few people standing together, seeing Xia Mingxiu's angry yin bird staring at him, his anger always overshadowed his reason.

"It seems that for so many years, you have treated my mother like this..." Xia Mingxiu said with a gloomy tone.

Father Xia stared his eyes and said, "How can we not have your turn to take care of!"

Xia Mu shook her head, "Don't say it, don't say it! Are you really determined to drive them away? I know you are still angry, so calm down!"

"Calm down? Your heart is big!" Father Xia suddenly placed his gaze on Mother Xia's body, pointed at Xia Mingxiu, and tremblingly said:

"Look at the good son you taught, what is he like now? Nizi! How can I calm down?! And you, every time I educate him, I sing against me! Now even more so, one heart is totally biased towards one outsider!"

As Father Xia spoke, his sharp gaze was placed on Yuan Yao who was aside.

"I didn't..." Xia Mu shook her head.

"You said love is a matter of two people? Huh, you are also not qualified to say that! If it weren't for you..."

"Xia Minghua!"

Xia Mu suddenly shouted out loud, her face pale and her whole body trembling with excitement.

This is probably the time that Xia Mu spoke with the greatest strength in her life.

Father Xia seemed to react suddenly, but in the end he didn't say anything!

The anger on his face was finally faded by the angry roar of Xia's mother. She looked at Xia's eyes, and a thick awkwardness flashed on her face. He wanted to say something but seemed unable to say it, and finally pressed his lips tightly. , Turned his face to the side.

Mother Xia was so pale that she couldn't bear to look straight. She held Yuan Yao's hand involuntarily and exerted force, pinching Yuan Yao's hand painfully, and she was still tightening it until she trembled.

It is not only Xia Minghua who is embarrassed to involve the events of the year, but she is even more embarrassed!

She looked at Father Xia with tears of tears, and the woman who had always been gentle is already sad to her bones.

Love is a matter of two people, she is indeed, not qualified to say.

She married Xia Minghua because she was pregnant with Mingxiu.

At that time, Xia Minghua was having trouble with Shen Mei. He learned that she was pregnant, perhaps because of revenge, or because he really couldn't let go of the Xia family's children, and chose to marry her.

Regardless of the reason, she married without hesitation.

However, after marriage, Xia Minghua, who has always been arrogant and conceited, could not let go of the fact that Shen Mei did not love him and fell in love with other men, and had been entangled with Shen Mei.

Until the day of childbirth, he still didn't accompany him, because Shenmei was at the peak of her career, so he left without saying goodbye.

Leave alone.

Did not choose Xia Minghua, and did not take away the man she loved.

Xia Minghua went to chase people, but because she wasted time, she finally gave birth to the child, but she suffered the consequence of being unable to have children for a lifetime.

[Not a new character, not a new plot, I am finishing it! ending! ending! So there will never be new characters. You can guess, who is Shen Mei? 】

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