Before Yuan Yao could see Father Xia’s expression, his voice rang out low, holding back his anger.

"What's wrong with me? You control the heavens and the earth, and you want to control my mouth? Besides, don't I give you a reminder? Don't you care about the face of your Xia family? Look at you. How much face do you give to Xia's parents?"

As Mother Pei said, she glanced at Xia Minghua sarcastically, then walked to Yuan Yao's side and pulled Yuan Yao over.

"What's the matter? You cry so sad?"

Only then did Yuan Yao think of it, her small mouth squashed, and then she twitched, "Godmother, I don't want to go with that **** Xia Mingxiu!"

Ye Susu was also walking towards this place, hearing Yuan Yao's cry, frowned and glanced in Xia Mingxiu's direction.

So many people gathered in the house at once, which was completely unexpected by Xia Mingxiu. In fact, since Yuan Yao was born, there were too many things that didn’t follow common sense. There were too many accidents, and it was totally unimaginable. There are also more and more things, I am used to the rhythm of my own control in the past, and now there is an emergency, I dare not move easily.

When Xia Mingxiu's eyebrows jumped obviously when he came into contact with Ye Susu's conflicting eyes, he stretched out his hand and pinched the eyebrows helplessly.

When Ye Susu frowned and retracted his eyes to look at Yuan Yao, he found that Yuan Yao was lying on Luo Qing's shoulder, looking at her, and blinking.

She didn't react for a while, and then Yuan Yao squeezed her eyes at her again and grinned, so she seemed to understand.

She suppressed the extra look in her eyes and said, "What happened?"

Yuan Yao flattened her mouth.

"Yeah, what the **** happened? The two of you are arguing, and you two are also arguing, is this really going to let the Xia family go away?" Luo Qing said as he patted Yuan Yao on the back. I raised my eyes to see Xia Mingxiu standing aside silently, his expression stern, "You too, Yuan Yao is pregnant now, what's the big deal, I have to fight with her now?!"

Xia Mingxiu just lowered his head, didn't speak, and looked humble, looking more pleasing than his father.

"Don't hurry up and apologize to Yuan Yao?!" Mother Pei glared at Xia Mingxiu, with a look of hatred for iron and steel. Finally, her gaze swept from Xia Minghua's face inexplicably.

Every man in the Xia family has negative EQ!

"I don't want me! I don't want his apology, no matter how much he tells me, he can't erase the excessive things he did to me. I don't want to forgive him anymore!"

Yuan Yao suddenly cried and said, coming out of Pei's arms, walking to Xia's side, holding her hand, and sobbing:

"My aunt and I really have a hard life. I shouldn't, I shouldn't, I deserve to fall in love with the men of the Xia family. Each of them is too much! Aunt and I will never want to forgive them. Auntie, I will follow You, wherever you go, I will go, I will earn money to support you, so that you will not suffer a share! From now on, we will depend on each other, mother and son..."


Xia Mu stood aside, letting Yuan Yao pull her, her expression tangled.

Ye Susu looked at the scene in front of him, and suddenly realized.

Yuan Yao is looking for Uncle Xia to step down.

However, now that the unrememberable past between Uncle Xia and Aunt Xia has been brought up, Aunt Xia seems to be determined this time.

Is this really possible?

And, is it really okay for Aunt Xia to go back?

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