Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2254: I just don't like actors! ! !

And, is it really okay for Aunt Xia to go back?

"Enough of you! Not messy enough, right?!"

Father Xia finally couldn't bear it on the sidelines. He really couldn't bear Yuanyao's move to take Luya together and organize a group to not Xia's family!

Father Xia's voice was not small, and with a strong anger, everyone in the room was shocked.

He was already hot after Luo Qing's undisguised irony, and finally managed to endure no attack, Yuan Yao came to add fuel to the fire again, how good can his temper be?

Mother Xia's eyes flashed, and she reacted first, looking at Father Xia, and said angrily:

"You feel confused now? Who caused all this?! If you were not doing nothing and picking Yuan Yao’s faults everywhere, do you think everything will happen? Once something goes wrong, you always I put myself on a high place, shouting and drinking to others, everyone is wrong, but you are right! What is wrong is that I make trouble without reason, what is wrong is that Yuan Yao is an actor!"

"I just don't like an actor to come into my summer house. Is it wrong? With my lesson, what's wrong with my son not wanting my son to be played with emotion by an actor?!"

"Shen Mei is not necessarily the kind of person you think! Yuan Yao is not Shen Mei either!" Xia Mu directly yelled back.

Xia Minghua's eyebrows jumped fiercely, "Yes! She is not Shen Mei! She is more excessive than Shen Mei! Shen Mei betrayed her and it took eight years to get the queen! What about her? Only five years? Nothing. Background, how did she do it?! Don’t you think about it?!"

Ye Susu couldn't listen anymore, "Yuan Yao is not that kind of person! All this is due to her own efforts!"

"Do you believe it?!"

Xia Minghua asked with a sneer, Ye Susu frowned and said firmly:

"I believe!"

"Superficial! No proof, why do you believe her so? Just because she is your good friend, you have to believe it unconditionally? The most stupid act in the world! Only what the closest person does is called'betrayal' '! You were suddenly stabbed by a stranger and called'betrayal'?!"

Yuan Yao gritted her teeth, took the relationship between her and Susu as a counterexample, and tried to provoke the divorce. How could she allow it? ! Before, I secretly reminded myself that I must restrain myself, stop being disrespectful to him, and try my best to restrain myself.

However, this time it broke out again.

"I won't! Don't kill everyone with a stick! Can't there be pure emotions in this world?"

"Yes! But stubbornness is definitely not an actor!"

"You're too much!!" Mother Xia was once again angered by Father Xia's attitude!

She even wanted to curse, but she couldn't even say a word of curse!

Xia Minghua's eyes were red, and her sharp gaze suddenly turned to Xia Mu, coldly shouting:

"And you, what are you going to make trouble with me? I don't like actors, let alone worry about another one! Shen Mei was raised by you. I have said from beginning to end that I blamed you for Shen Mei Do you hate you? You have a degree of thinking about yourself! Every time I teach my children, you always have to sing against me next to me! Son, you are partial, and you have only been in contact with this woman for a few days? Why do you trust her so much One by one, stupidity has its limit!"


Xia Mu was speechless.

On the side, Yuan Yao suddenly let go of Xia Mu's hand and took a deep breath, then slowly turned around, faintly facing Xia Minghua.

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