At this moment, one by one, the little girls with two pigtails and pink tutu, tiptoe on their toes, lay on the open door, tilted their heads and looked at Yuan Yao in the car.

The people around were also curious. It was enough for them to be surprised that Xia Mingxiu had a son, but at first they only heard that he had a son. The facts proved that he really had a son.

But who is his son's mother?

The media have been reporting suspicions at the time, but they have never been confirmed.

Now, in the car that came to pick up the child from school, there was a woman sitting there? !

And listening to that little girl's tone, should she still be a young woman?

There was a young woman sitting in the car of the Xia family? !

The most important thing is that President Xia, who always hates women's approach, will allow a young woman to sit in his car.

Some people approached the car involuntarily like a cat meeting a mouse.

"Auntie, you are so beautiful! You must be Wen Qian's mother, right?"

Everyone was sure again that the woman in the car was a young and beautiful woman.

They are even more curious!

They all surrounded the car one after another.

Yuan Yao looked at the little girl lying on the car with big dark blue eyes. At a glance, she could see that she must be a mixed race, with white and tender skin and beautiful eyes like the grapes she had just eaten.

She just wanted to see Xia Mingxiu picking up her son from school, but she didn't notice that such a little guy suddenly appeared.

She was attracted to the child's eyes for an instant, and she was obsessed with beauty and couldn't help herself. It was not until the child suddenly spoke that she later realized what had happened.

How can she think about it, this beautiful, innocent and cute little girl will speak to her,

Yuan Yao hurriedly made a "hush" gesture at the little girl, but the little girl smiled and said that she was beautiful.

Although it sounds good, things are wrong now!

The little girl seemed to like Yuan Yao very much, tilted her head and looked at her with a smile,

"Kid, can you leave first? Don't lie here, it's dirty, it will stain your beautiful little skirt..."

Yuan Yao lowered her voice, looking at the little girl almost begging, and couldn't help but stretch out her hand and wave it lightly to let the little girl leave.

"Pretty aunty, why don't you get off the bus? Do you want to see Wen Qian more? Many students in our class say that Wen Qian does not have a mother, which is very pitiful."

"..." Yuan Yao's waving hand suddenly stopped, and her heart suddenly throbbed.

Many classmates say mother?

She suddenly thought about the phone call Wen Qian called her on the way when she was familiar with the environment before going to the villa. Even before, or even not long ago, she had never thought about what Wen Qian was like at school. of.

Xu is that she has been too freely in recent days, so she forgot to care about him at all.

She suddenly realized that she never seemed to be a mother herself.

Thinking about it carefully, Wen Qian is more mature than her in certain things.

It is not that she is taking care of him, but that he takes care of himself more.

She has been in school for so long, but in the eyes of others, she does not exist.

She really felt like a failure.

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