Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2280: I'm!

She really felt like a failure.

"But classmate Wen Qian didn't feel very sad at the beginning. It turns out that he really has a mother, and he looks more beautiful than many of his classmates' moms! Wen Qian is so good!"

Yuan Yao didn't feel much better in her heart, and gradually let go of the hand she had just waved.

Most people are paying attention here. The arm that Yuan Yao had been waving just now was visible in the car door, and they all saw it.

One hundred percent sure, there is really a woman in the car of the Xia family, a young woman.

"Auntie, are you Wen Qian's mother?"

The little girl asked again, Yuan Yao felt sorry for Wen Qian and was extremely depressed. Hearing the girl’s question, she whispered with a sad nasal sound:

"Yeah, I'm Wen Qian's mom. Thank you for your concern for Wen Qian."

Yuan Yao's words came out of the car and reached the ears of people around him, immediately exploding the pot.

What everyone was paying attention to, Xia Mingxiu's woman finally appeared.

Some people have picked up the phone and recorded the video. Yuan Yao has been wearing sunglasses and a hat, sitting in the innermost part of the car. Although the hands that have just been exposed are white and slender, the exposed arms and sleeves are obviously a man. The sleeves on the jacket.

Xia Mingxiu resisted contact with too many people, and now their car was almost surrounded, and he could not get to the side of the car smoothly.

Seeing that the situation was not right, the driver got off the car immediately. He still didn't know that he had caused the trouble, and took the still innocent child to one side.

Hastily closed the car door.

Everyone was greatly disappointed, wondering in their hearts, what kind of woman would be able to subdue Mr. Xia of Kyoto Aurora International?

The little girl said she was very beautiful, so how beautiful is she?

Too curious and want to know.

But as Xia Mingxiu finally moved to the front of the car and looked at them with icy eyes, everyone was bored.


Not even an hour, a few people arrived home, Xia Mingxiu turned on the TV, and she saw that the video that was taken temporarily by people at the school gate had already been transmitted to the media.

It is now being broadcast.

Xia Mingxiu frowned.

Yuan Yao also looked at him worriedly, "What to do?"

Xia Mingxiu took her hand and smiled comfortingly at her, "It's okay, you can do whatever you want. I'll let the news be suppressed for two months at most."

Yuan Yao nodded and glanced at the TV. It was playing the words she admitted to the little girl that she was Wen Qian's mother.

Many people are speculating about her true identity. The video broadcasts her words back and forth twice, trying to discern the voice carefully, but it seems to be a failure.

Yuan Yao was speaking with her nasal voice at the time. Because of her distress and the blame for herself, she lost two tears in her heart. When she spoke, her nasal sound was strong, and her voice became thicker and lowered unconsciously. Your own person will definitely not hear it.

She is a little lucky now.

Otherwise things will be really difficult to handle.

Lu Ya was also deeply surprised by this incident, but she didn't take it to heart. Seeing Yuan Yao's self-blame caring look, she comforted:

"It's okay. The reporters won't touch here! The Xia family has been doing entertainment for so many years. Even if something big happens, the reporter will not get close to our Xia family. The ** aspect is absolute, Pei family It’s the same. Recently, we have added a few more people and looked more strict. There is no problem at all."

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