Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2281: Depth bomb

"It's okay. The reporters won't touch here! The Xia family has been doing entertainment for so many years. Even if something big happens, the reporter will not get close to our Xia family. Privacy is absolute, and Pei family is also absolute. The same, we have recently added a few more people to look more strictly, there is no problem at all."

"If you don't want your relationship to be exposed for the time being, the Xia family still has the ability to hide it for a while. Don't worry..."

Yuan Yao sighed long and nodded gently.

Xia Mingxiu has a woman!

Xia Mingxiu's son's mother appeared!

Xia Mingxiu's lover who has been hidden for many years has now officially moved into Xia's house. It is suspected that her mother is expensive with her son, and she succeeds!

All kinds of speculations emerge in endlessly, and new tricks appear every day. The woman Xia Mingxiu hides has really exploded a depth bomb in the entertainment industry!

About this kind of news, it has been going on, and it has been spreading in all directions centered on it, but there is always no real useful information.

Several of Yuan Yao’s shots need to be supplemented. Fortunately, the few shots that are not very laborious, but the background needs to be changed. Nowadays, there is a very big controversy about changing the background of technology, and the task is not very heavy. Yuan Yao’s new scenes It took a week before and after it was finally completed.

The film editing has been basically completed, but after each actor's supplementary shots are refined and inserted into the already vacated frames, the film is basically formed.

I don't know what Xia Mingxiu did in the end. The news about the woman he hid has never stopped, but Yuan Yao still lives in peace.

In fact, Yuan Yao did not stay at home for a long time, and the film entered the stage of publicity.

Sometimes unnecessary small propaganda, Xia Mingxiu will pick a few appropriately to let Yuan Yao appear occasionally,

Don’t let the media take advantage of any loopholes to say that Yuan Yao’s opportunity to play a big name. The current situation is very special. All negative news about Yuan Yao, if you have it, don’t have it

During the propaganda period, the propaganda was carried out almost around the first-tier cities in Asia. The intensity was too great. Xia Mingxiu worried that Yuan Yao's body would be overwhelmed. As a result, Yuan Yao refused to agree with him to cancel his trip, saying that he could bear it.

In addition to Xia Mingxiu's secret arrangement, all the publicity scenes, every leading actor is equipped with a seat.

It's just a small detail. This request was not made from the actor's mouth, so even if someone finds something wrong, they can't tell why.

After several publicity sessions, I was not very tired.

Because Yuan Yao was protected too tightly, Xia Mingxiu could not show up by her side, and the bodyguards and assistants around her were doubled.

All the interviews that were not related to the propaganda were completely pushed by several assistants without Yuan Yao's consent.

Sometimes a tough attitude caused dissatisfaction from fans and reporters, and several assistants were prevaricated by the excuse that "the company temporarily restricts Yuanyao's rights to conduct actions that are not related to propaganda".

Although this reason is too awful!

No company has the right to completely restrict everyone's behavior. Aurora is too much to do so.

But when I think about Yuan Yao’s previous disturbance at the Liang family’s anniversary meeting, Xia always was there and witnessed Yuan Yao’s ability to stab Louzi. If we didn’t take some measures this time, in case there was any accident, this The consequences are unimaginable.

Think about it in another way. Some people understand the behavior of Aurora, but they are very few.

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