Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2282: Awarding (1)

Think about it in another way. Some people understand the behavior of Aurora, but they are very few.

During the one-month publicity period, Yuan Yao traveled to eight cities, large and small, staying and staying, with doctors arranged by her side at any time. Xia Mingxiu would also accompany her in secret and protect her. There was no accident at all.

After the busy schedule, pregnancy enters three months.

Although Yuan Yao's body is slim, but her belly is not very pregnant.

Susu's belly was gradually bulging in the middle and late March.

Yuan Yao still didn't move, and the doctor's examination was no problem. Xia Mu was anxiously trying to feed her every day. Finally, at the beginning of four months, her belly changed.

Fortunately, Yuan Yao rarely experiences morning sickness.

It was Susu, once again, I was so choked with morning sickness, and my face was pale when I vomited most of the day. After that, I became listless and very pitiful.

It hurts Pei family big and small.

She tried her best to make Ye Susu feel better, but Yuan Yao, who had no worries about this aspect, always ate in front of Ye Susu. Most of the time, she would just vomit when she didn't eat Ye Susu!

In the middle of four months, Susu’s morning sickness gradually subsided.

Because Yuan Yao couldn't get in and out of the hospital frequently, Xia Mingxiu directly moved the equipment from Qiulin Hospital to his home.

When the time comes, a doctor will come to help with the check-up, and Susu can also run far away and do it right there.

At this time, it was deep winter. Although Yuan Yao's belly appeared to be late, but she grew fast, and now it was about the same size as Susu's belly.

And "Upper" has been officially released, and the response is very good, and the box office is impressive.

It has already gained a lot of fame in the world, and Lin Huai's perseverance is admired by the risky assumption of the film's second female protagonist.

If this movie, if the female second actor is not good enough, then this will be the worst bad movie in history.

The limelight of the second woman overwhelms the heroine, which is a big taboo in the film.

Not only will the audience’s sense of substitution be in a distorted state that can’t be recovered for a long time, but there will also be a feeling that the main and the vice are reversed, but the plot is brilliant. If there is not a person with enough experience and aura to play the female second, that feeling , If there is a lack of a point, it will not be the worst film.

Lin Huai's career and reputation as a well-known director for many years are almost all blocked in this "Upper"!

It was on Yuan Yao's body.

However, it is clear that he was right now!

At the end of the year, the International Film Awards Gala will be unexpectedly held in Beijing.

Although I don't know how the review and judgment result is, everyone has no doubts that the biggest winner this year is the entire crew of "Upper"!

The highest award will be taken over by the entire crew of "Upper".


December 26th, seven o'clock in the evening,

The International Film Awards Gala was held at the Mando Hall in Kyoto.

This was finalized a month ago, the scene is grand and the stars are shining!

The International Film Awards Gala in Kyoto is hosted by Aurora International.

An example of an international film awards show held in China. This year, today, is the first in history. Aurora International participated in the hosting right.

Just how big the Aurora's handwriting is this time, just looking at this glorious scene, is enough to discourage people.

Just with the brilliant lights, it almost illuminates half of the sky in Kyoto!

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