Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2321: Lights on

The lights in the audience dimmed, and a bright white light hit Yuan Yao alone, covering her alone.

Yuan Yao really sinked her heart this time and stood up from her seat.

Her figure appeared on the screen, and she was printed on the screen. The whole audience was breathing air-conditioning, followed by a low noise. Everyone was whispering and whispering. Talking about something.

Yuan Yao naturally knew what the majority of these voices were, but she didn't take it seriously, took a deep breath, and raised her foot to walk towards the stage.

She carried her skirt and walked carefully every step, Mo Xiao on the stage suddenly said:

"Thank the lighting engineer to turn on the lights."

In the next second, the lights of the audience turned on.

Everyone's eyes were narrowed, but they were still staring at Yuan Yao for an instant. She was still walking slowly and carefully, taking steps with extreme earnestness.

She seemed to want to take every step she took and wished to make a clear footprint.

I don't know why, whether it is Xia Mingxiu, Yuan Yao, or even more people, they always feel that the aura emanating from Yuan Yao's body at this moment is different.

She didn't seem to be as excited as everyone else, instead she became extraordinarily calm and indifferent.

This is the most historic award. At present, there is only one award in the world. How could she be so calm.

Even if it is an actor, with so many people in Wantang, it has little to do with acting skills. This is completely a psychological problem. No one can remain so calm in this situation.

What surprised them even more was that Yuan Yao's belly seemed to bulge out too obviously...

That appearance is definitely not caused by obesity.

Such a firm and round look is obviously...

Yuan Yao has not appeared in public since the publicity period after filming "Upper".

I have given too many people's suspicion, even if I look for it carefully, I can't find her.

But it turned out that she has become like this.

Whose child is it?

This became the biggest doubt in everyone's mind.

Looking at Yuan Yao's back, Xia Mingxiu's brows furrowed tightly. He always felt that Yuan Yao had made any decisions without telling her.

In this way, Yuan Yao walked to the stage step by step under everyone's eyes, Nibel took the initiative to embrace Yuan Yao, very cautiously.

The two separated, Nibel smiled and looked at Yuan Yao, with a little bit of surprise in his eyes. Almost all of the rest was appreciation, and there was still incredible.

It seems that until now, he can't believe that such a young woman has such profound acting skills and successfully conquered everyone.

He still didn't hold it back, shaking his head, and said: "Your acting skills are really not in proportion to your own. Too young, too little city."

Yuan Yao said with a chuckle, "Thank you for not directly saying that I am naive!"

Nibel shrugged and smiled happily.

"You can also say that. But it's definitely a compliment. Yuan Yao, I am your fan."

Yuan Yao smiled, "Thank you, I am honored."

Nibel didn't chat with Yuan Yao too much, but led her to the microphone.

Yuan Yao politely thanked him, turned around, and really faced the seats that could hold 10,000 people.

Seeing her bulging belly from the front, the noise from the audience completely overwhelmed her.

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