Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2322: Mystery presenter

Seeing her bulging belly from the front, the noise from the audience completely overwhelmed her.

Even on the stage, you can hear fragmentary discussions from time to time.

What "pregnant?" "Whose child?" And so on, one after another.

Yuan Yao took a deep breath, put her hand on the microphone, and smiled:

"Yes, you read that right, I'm pregnant."



The audience fell into silence suddenly, and after that, a louder sound arose.

Nothing is more shocking than personal admission.

This time, no one had any doubts.

The muffled noise gradually subsided, Yuan Yao smiled: "I am here, thank you for your concern about me. But what should I do, I now want to see the trophy that belongs to me urgently."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Niebel on the side, making an inquiry.

"Of course. OK, my dear, let us look forward to the mysterious award-giving guests tonight!"

"Mysterious award-giving guest?"

Yuan Yao was puzzled, her brows frowned, who is mysterious to her.

She never seemed to have considered this issue before.

Xia Mingxiu was sitting in the front row. Although he was a little suspicious of Yuan Yao's state just now, seeing her calmly standing on the stage, the appearance of fearlessness and no nervousness made him relax a little bit instead of seeing her nervous. In this state, he would be happy to see it happen.

Xia Minghua sat in front of the TV, even though his face was sullen, but if you look closely, you can still see that the corners of his tight lips have loosened, and his eyes are stained with appreciation.

He was very satisfied with Yuan Yao's attitude of not being arrogant or impetuous and indifferent.

Mother Xia was also excited and about to stand up from the sofa, "I'll just say it, I'll just say me! My daughter-in-law is the best. Did you see it? Did you see it?!"

Mother Xia stretched out her hand and patted Xia Minghua's shoulder, so that only if Xia Minghua approved, she could stop.

But Xia Minghua still looked unwilling to compromise, sitting on the sofa, ignoring Xia's actions, and watching the TV screen.

In fact, he was also curious, the Fanhua Award, whose identity might be called mysterious by the Fanhua City.

At this time, the music sounded, the lights of the audience were all pressed down, and the chasing lights will be cast directly to the exit of the background, quietly waiting for the appearance of the mysterious guests.

Yuan Yao also turned her side expectantly, followed closely the follow-up light, staring at the exit, silently looking forward to it.

The rhythm of the music is not very fast, nor is it the usual exciting and inspiring music. The slow violin sound mellows and mellows, and the restless heart gradually calms down.

Under the chasing light, a black figure finally appeared.

A black satin cheongsam with gold and red phoenix totems on it, and a long colored tail that winds across the slender waist to the skirt of one side.

Cheongsam is the clothing most representative of domestic women.

It represents the classical charm of Chinese women and is exclusive to the East.

Elegant, delicate, elegant, dignified and restrained.

From concealing the essence of the body, to showing the exquisite curves of a woman's figure to a greater extent.

The hair bun is high, classic and elegant, which fully reflects the unique charm of oriental women.

When she saw the person's first glance, Yuan Yao covered her mouth in surprise, and watched the woman walking towards her with an incredulous expression on her face.

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