Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2323: how come?

When she saw the person's first glance, Yuan Yao covered her mouth in surprise, and watched the woman walking towards her with an incredulous expression on her face.

The woman's temperament is absolutely superior, restrained and gentle, with exquisite makeup. She walked slowly and looked at Yuan Yao. After seeing Yuan Yao's reaction, she couldn't help but raise her lips.

Even if the other party walked closer, Yuan Yao still couldn't believe her eyes, but when her eyes were attracted by the yellow persimmon in the hands of the visitor, she was sure of everything.

There was a memory of the past that suddenly rushed into her heart, causing her eyes to suddenly turn red.

She shook her head, choked and looked at the woman who had approached her.

"how come……"


In the Xia family, Xia's mother's hand that had been slapping Xia Minghua's shoulder gradually stopped, and the excited expression on her face gradually disappeared.

Xia Minghua's eyes were full of shock, and the whole body became a little stiff.

how come?

The person Yuan Yao looked at her closely, from doubt to disbelief, to shock, to full of apologies, no one knew Yuan Yao's current mood.

"What's the matter? Don't prove to me how heartless you are, in less than half a year, you actually forgot me completely."

The familiar voice, serious eyes, and cold tone made Yuan Yao shook her head subconsciously.

"No! No...milk..." What she blurted out was taken back by her. Seeing what the former "grandma" looked like now, she couldn't say anything at all. After a pause, she shook her head and said:

"No...I..." Yuan Yao eagerly wanted to explain something, but at this moment, she began to speak incoherently, as if saying nothing was right.

Because she felt that there was no reason to give "grandma" a reason not to see her.

But she still subconsciously glanced at her slightly bulging belly.

This action was successfully captured by the woman, a slight smile flashed in her eyes, and she passed the persimmon in her hand to Yuan Yao's hand.

Yuan Yao quickly extended her hands to take it, "Be careful, be soft, don't break it!"

"Grandma" gently put the persimmon on Yuan Yao's hand, Yuan Yao nodded cautiously, and took the persimmon with both hands.

"Is this the trophy awarded to me tonight?"

Yuan Yao raised her hands, put the golden-yellow persimmon in her hand before her eyes, and delved into it carefully.

"Very disgusting?"

"Of course not! It's my pleasure, really. Really!"

Yuan Yao was afraid that "grandma" would not believe it, so she shook her head vigorously, and solemnly emphasized it twice to show her seriousness.

The woman smiled slightly, glanced at her sideways, and said, "Here you? I want to be beautiful! For her!"

She was angry, pointed to Yuan Yao's belly and said,

Yuan Yao's face was aggrieved and entangled, "But, will this thing wait until next year? Will it break?"

She stood in front of the microphone, and her voice spread throughout the whole hall, so innocent and aggrieved, it made the hall burst into laughter.

Xia Mingxiu also raised her lips. She always did that. In front of the person she loves, she always involuntarily showed a careless look. It was in great contrast to her calm and calm just now.

But it won't make people feel too unacceptable.

On the contrary, she looks more comfortable like this.

The lights on the stage were all bright, and some people also recognized the identity of the mysterious guest tonight.

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