Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 234: I love you

Sheng Yuchen raised his right hand and pulled a handful of hair fiercely, the expression on his face was extremely painful.

Mu Chuqing sat on the left side of Sheng Yuchen. The dressing was over. She packed everything into the bag.

She just wanted to stand up and leave, but she was pulled by Sheng Yuchen and fell heavily into his arms.

"I know you are more painful than me. At the beginning, it was all my fault. I was too incompetent. I can't predict what will happen tomorrow? If I can, I really don't want to hurt you. I don't even want to..."

Returning to this familiar embrace, familiar taste, and the heat of his body, passed to Mu Chuqing's body through a thin layer of shirt fabric.

He is full of humble low voice and this sudden embrace, like a pair of carefully planned and perfect partners, smashing a small gap in the center of the rebuilt sturdy dam in her heart.

The grievances and pains that came up suddenly in her heart made her defense from the inside out, almost completely collapsed.

Mu Chuqing bit her lip and tried her best to swallow the sourness that was about to overflow into her belly again. She took a deep breath and tried her best to stop her voice from trembling.

"let me go!"

"Chang Chu and I are not what you think, you must believe me in this matter..."

Sheng Yuchen's right hand hugged Mu Chuqing tightly, "Chuchu, I only want you to believe me..."


Mu Chuqing just pushed Sheng Yuchen blindly, trying to break free from Sheng Yuchen's shackles.

"At the beginning, you have to know that hurting you, I am more painful than you, you can't imagine how I survived these three years without you!"

Sheng Yuchen strongly imprisoned Mu Chuqing, letting her fight.

He put his head on her shoulder, and said to himself, his tone was a little rushed, as if the torrent blocking his body found a vent.

"I don't know if you're doing well, but I still can't inquire about your news. I'm afraid I can't help being distracted, I'm afraid I will hold you in my arms desperately!"

"Do you know how happy I was when you said that you had a good time in the UK? You don't realize my feelings. At the beginning, you were a blank piece of paper. You don't need to go through the wind and waves. It should be a bland life..."


There is no focus in Mu Chuqing's big eyes, but the pain is infinitely magnified. She is like a cold robot at this moment, repeating what she should most say at this moment.

"In the beginning, don't be like this, I've said it a long time ago, I can't let you go! Never forever!

Mu Chuqing's eyebrows suddenly wrinkled, her eyes retracted to focus.

"let me go!"

Mu Chuqing finally yelled out loudly unbearably, and almost at the same time, she also remembered a sound like a muffled thunder that suddenly exploded."

"I love you!"

Sheng Yuchen hugged Mu Chuqing tightly regardless of his care, and Mu Chuqing had to lie on Sheng Yuchen's neck with a heavier force than before.

Because of the low growl, some rapid breaths sprayed between Sheng Yuchen's neck, each breath, the breath is always entangled together.

Mu Chuqing's strength was almost exhausted, and she no longer had the strength to fight.

When the two people's emotions calmed down, Sheng Yuchen couldn't help but kissed Mu Chuqing's earlobe sideways, and then whispered in her ear:

"I love you!"

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