Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 235: I can't afford it

That voice was mixed with too much helplessness and pain, but Mu Chuqing's body moved, supporting Sheng Yuchen's shoulders with both hands, straightening up, and then shaking his head.

"I love you!" Sheng Yuchen's dark eyes stared at her tightly, with inevitable sadness in his eyes.


"I love you!" Sheng Yuchen emphasized again.


"I love you!" Sheng Yuchen's tone was unquestionable.


"I love you……"

Sheng Yuchen said over and over again, and Mu Chuqing gradually stopped struggling.

After a long while, she spoke slowly:

"Stop talking about it, I can't afford it..."


Sheng Yuchen froze, and the right hand that held Mu Chuqing was also relieved.

Mu Chuqing took the opportunity to withdraw from Sheng Yuchen's arms and stood on the ground looking at him, with a fragility on his normally indifferent face.

"Your love, I can't afford it!"

Sheng Yuchen's right hand was tightly squeezed together, the joints creaked, but still loosened, reaching out to hold Mu Chuqing's hand.

"Why? If it's because of Chang Chu..."


Mu Chuqing suddenly interrupted Sheng Yuchen, "I don't want to forgive you, Sheng Yuchen, it's me who can't pass my own barrier. The existence of Chang Chu is enough to prove how fragile and much your so-called'love' is. Unbearable. Even if I forgive you, what's the matter! You can't even give me the most basic happiness, you can't give me what I really want! I can't afford your love! I can't afford your love! You let go I!"

After Mu Chuqing said excitedly, she turned and left.

The few high-end vases that had just been wiped clean on the coffee table were all swept on the ground, and there was a thrilling cracking sound.

Mu Chuqing shrank her shoulders in fright, turned around and looked over, and found that none of the valuable vases were complete.

"My love is fragile? Can't stand a blow? What about you? How can you ever believe me? Whatever Chang Chu said, you believe? I said I was not what you thought of her, you don't believe it! She told you she was pregnant My child, you just believe..."

Mu Chuqing's heart suddenly suffocated, and her whole body was stunned.

"What are you talking about?" Mu Chuqing's voice trembled uncontrollably, and finally stepped back two steps unbearably until it touched the wall behind him.

"You said...Chang Chu's child...not yours?"

"Heh..." Sheng Yuchen laughed helplessly, and an embarrassment flashed across his handsome face. He fell heavily on the sofa and buried his head.

"You are not the only one who suffers from losing a child. I am also his father. How can you be sure that I will not be sad! You set a tombstone for that child and never came back to see him in three years. How cruel is it? . How do you know how painful it is every time I stand there..."

Mu Chuqing covered her mouth, tears bursting out, it turned out that her guess back then was correct!

Chang Chu's child is not his?

It's really not his!

He has been with that child for three years!

It turned out that he went to the cemetery more than once last time!

He has been with her baby!

Until now, she didn't know whether she should be happy or sad!

But is he really not his high-sounding rhetoric?

Now tell her how painful he is, but still have a sweet relationship with the woman who killed his child for three years!

How did she believe him?

Sheng Yuchen, how do you make me believe you!

What you said and what you did seems to be running in opposite directions!

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