Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 236: Success does not mean letting go

Sheng Yuchen slowly raised his head to look at Mu Chuqing, and continued:

"What do you want? What do you want? I gave you the choice! You abandoned me first! You want your life to be complete, and I also think, I want to fulfill all you have! So I fulfill You! But—"

Sheng Yuchen paused when he said that, her jet-black eyes were unusually firm, as well as the overbearing tactics.

"At the beginning, completion does not mean letting go! As long as I don't let go, you will never escape in this life!"


Mu Chuqing looked at him quietly at Sheng Yuchen, although Sheng Yuchen had said this many times, but until today, she has a very deep feeling.

As long as he thinks, she seems to be exactly what he said!

I can't escape for a lifetime!

The huge living room was silent.

Suddenly there was the sound of the car's brakes outside the door, and then the left wing with a doctor carrying a medicine box appeared in the hallway.

As soon as the left wing entered the door, he noticed an unusual breath filling the air.

Looking at the two awkward people, he stood there a little at a loss, forgetting to speak for a moment.

Sheng Yuchen glanced over towards the entrance faintly.

"Check for her to see if there is any trauma on her body!" As he said, he got up from the sofa and walked towards the entrance of the door.

Because Sheng Yuchen deliberately ordered to find a female doctor when he called before, so this doctor was also picked up by the left wing in the hospital in a hurry!

To Sheng Yuchen, only by his name, he was not seen.

When she heard Sheng Yuchen's words, she kept her eyes on Mu Chuqing for a while, but when she was about to walk out the door, she blocked his way.

"There is nothing wrong with that lady, but you, Mr. Sheng, your left arm is dislocated!"

The left wing was surprised, how could it be so good that it would dislocate his arm?

He couldn't help looking at Mu Chuqing, but saw that her eyes were also full of disbelief, staring at the boss's powerless left arm.

If it is injured, it must be in the bathroom...


"No, it's impossible, I just bandaged the wound on his hand, if..."

Wouldn't it hurt if his arm dislocated?

It hurts when you move!

Thinking of what happened just now, she pulled him out of the bathroom, she bandaged his wounds, she struggled hard in his arms, and she pushed him...

Isn't he strange? !

and many more!

She remembered his two low moans in the bathroom before, could it be because--

Hands clinging to the wall curled up tightly. Is he stupid? Wounded, why don't you speak? !


To suffer this torture? !

Sheng Yuchen looked down at the doctor standing in front of him, frowning, his heavy pupils like Mo wrapped in a layer of ice, and his voice was cold.

"Step aside!"

The female doctor looked unharmed, shrugged, and gave way indifferently.

The left wing couldn't help but glanced at the doctor beside him, this woman is really good!

With this attitude of the boss, even he, who has been with the boss for so many years, sounds a bit guilty in his heart, but she can calmly face and not change her heart?

What is the origin of the woman he picked out unconsciously? It seems that he has to check it out!

Sheng Yuchen raised his foot to walk outside, but heard Mu Chuqing's voice coldly.

"If you think your arm is in the way, let the doctor remove it for you!"

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