Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2364: What is she doing here

Xu Jun can't laugh or cry, this kind of drama can always be performed so many times within a month, and every time it is an excuse.

"Pay attention to what emotions? Pay attention to emotions? I can't pay attention! I can't see you marry me a daughter-in-law for a day, so my emotions will not stabilize!

"..." Xu Junyu sighed deeply, looking at her with an especially helpless face on Xie Si.

Xu Jiahui was irritated by what he saw, and she waved her hand directly and shouted at Dr. Wang on the side;

"Okay, okay! Don't prescribe your medicine! Just let it fend for itself, and wait for one day to get angry and die! It's a blessing for him to die!"

"Madam, don't talk like that, you are still young, wait a minute, there will always be some for your daughter-in-law, and so will your grandson!"


It's okay not to mention this, Xu Jiahui felt aggrieved in her heart when she mentioned this, froze for a moment, and started crying unpreparedly.

"My life is so bitter, I'm afraid I won't see my precious children and grandchildren in this life! Why am I still alive!"

The ward was full of Xu Jiahui's crying loudly. The doctors, nurses, and nurses in the room stood there calmly, silently enduring the magic sound of this lady's ears.

Really, very calm.

This kind of thing, from the initial rush, to gradually accepting, to getting used to it, the experience is really a bit subtle.

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble. You have to let me find it slowly, right? I can't find you a daughter-in-law casually, right?"

Xu Jiahui's crying stopped, panting and looking at Xu Junyu, "How long will it take?"

"Soon." Xu Jun and coping,

"Boy, I will believe you again for the time being, if you let me down again, I...I'll show it to you!"

"……I know."

With the assurance, Xu Jiahui won't toss anymore, and all the doctors and nurses in the room are gone.

Xu Junyu agreed to buy Xu Jiahui's white fish tofu soup personally, and walked out of the ward almost as if he were running away.


In the corridor of the hospital, a woman in a white shirt and blue denim shorts ran over in a panic. On the way, she anxiously pushed aside the crowd blocking her way, and ran forward without thinking, causing dissatisfaction from many people.

"I'm sorry, let me!"

The familiar voice stopped Xu Junyu's footsteps and stood there looking at the panicked woman in front.

What is she doing in the hospital?

He didn't have time to think too much, the other side's figure had passed him, leaving a refreshing breath.

Didn't find him?

They also have a lot of intersections because of Chuqing.

Are you so stingy even to say hello?

However, looking at her appearance, she seemed really anxious!

Has something happened to someone?

Xu Junyu raised her eyebrows, and her beautiful phoenix eyes smiled, making them even more evil right now.

What happened and what does it have to do with him?

Once again, he shook his head amusedly, raised his foot, and ran away.

General ward.

Su Nuan opened the door of the ward and saw the person on the bed leaning there, with gauze on his forehead, watching TV.

Su Nuan immediately held her chest in peace and breathed out, "I was scared to death, are you okay?"

The man on the hospital bed saw her as soon as she entered the door, and when he heard her ask, he paled and nodded, smiling:

"Nothing serious. Sorry, today I clearly agreed to accompany you back to my hometown."

[Don’t care too much about this cannon fodder...]

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