Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2365: Can't bear it?

"Nothing serious. Sorry, today I clearly agreed to accompany you back to my hometown."

"Forget it! You are like this! What are you talking about!"

Su Nuan waved his hand, walked to the hospital bed, and looked around with Fan Yiwen's head holding the gauze, "Nothing serious, right?"

"...It's fine."

Fan Yiwen is the boyfriend she has not told anyone about. The clerk in the procurement department of the Xu Group has an ordinary family background, an ordinary appearance, and an ordinary personality. Her mother began to force her to marry last year. She had no choice but to participate in a blind date and met Fan. One article.

The reason for choosing him is his ordinaryness.

It's safe and stable, just fine.

It’s been more than half a year since we’ve been together. Today, he had accompanied her home to see her mother. The most important thing was to take out the hukou and the two people got their marriage certificates.

Unexpectedly, she had already arrived at the train station this morning, and suddenly received a call from him saying that he had a car accident on the way to the train station and he is now in the hospital.

Her head went blind immediately.

Ran all the way, fortunately, nothing major.

"I'll go to the doctor specifically to see if there is anything else."

"Hey, Su Nuan!"

Fan Yiwen suddenly stretched out his hand to hold her, "You don't need to go to the doctor, it's just a minor concussion, and you can be discharged tomorrow. There really is nothing serious."

"Leave the hospital tomorrow?"

Su Nuan frowned, "Can you?"

Fan Yiwen nodded repeatedly, "Yes, you can!"

"OK then……"

Su Nuan retracted his steps and stood by the bed looking at him.

The ward was silent for a while, and an awkward atmosphere overflowed for no reason.

"Su Nuan..."

"Let's... Um? What are you going to say?"

The two spoke tacitly at the same time, Su Nuan asked him amused.

Fan Yiwen shook his head, "It's okay, you say it first!"

"I want to say, anyway, you have nothing to do. I won’t be here to take care of you. We won’t be able to take care of you on Monday. Since we’re invited down tomorrow, we can’t waste it. I’ll go home by myself today. Yes. I'll bring my household registration and register with the Civil Affairs Bureau tomorrow as usual. Would you please?"


Fan Yiwen's expression was a little bit unpleasant. Su Nuan thought he was embarrassed because he couldn't go home with him, smiled, and said directly: "That's OK! You have a good rest, I'm leaving now!"


Su Nuan walked out of the ward and found Fan Yiwen's friend, Chen Chu, at the door of the ward.

Chen Chu saw her with an unnatural touch on her face.

"Chen Chu, just right, Fan Yiwen will trouble you to take care of it, and come back to invite you to dinner."

Chen Chu was stunned by Yuan Yao's attitude, and some of them couldn't react.

How is this attitude?

He opened the door of the ward questioningly and saw Fan Yiwen who was tangled on the bed.

"Why, didn't you tell her?"



Xu Junyu went out of the hospital and did not leave. Instead, he gave Huo Yan the burden of buying white fish tofu soup. Watching Huo Yan drove away, he turned back to the hospital.

Because the corridor of the hospital is two-way, Fan Yiwen’s ward is leaning against the end of the corridor on the other side. When he walked over, he happened to see Su Nuan coming out of a general ward and greeted the man outside the ward. Turn around and walk towards the end of the approaching corridor.

There is no intersection with Xu Jun.

In Fan Yiwen's ward, Chen Chu looked at Fan Yiwen, gloating:

"Why, is this reluctant again?"

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