Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2374: who are you?

Su Nuan couldn't hold back for a while, turned around and just wanted to violently beat Fan Yiwen, but Xu Junyu forced him into her arms.

"You let me go! I want to kill this scum!"

Xu Junyu still hugged her tightly, still not looking back.

"You are not the only one who understands the reason why people go high and water flows low. Since you are a man who chooses to rely on a woman to dominate, what is wrong with a woman who chooses to rely on a man who is more reliable than you?"

Xu Junyu's voice was indifferent and lazy, and his fingers gently groped Su Nuan's cheek, making it even more intimate that the atmosphere between the two of them was extremely intimate.

"You...who are you?"

Fan Yiwen feels a little vacant. This person walked up to the lower place and said that he seemed to have said this to Chen Chu yesterday;

And listening to the tone just now, what does this man seem to know?

"You are still qualified to know who I am. But I have written down all the words you just said to my dear. Next, let's see if you climbed the taller branches more solidly, or my pond is deeper. !"

Fan Yiwen suddenly became frightened in his heart. Just looking at the man's back, he could feel the unusual aura emanating from this man's body. His current suit was all he dared not touch when he participated in important occasions. famous brand.

It seems that he really can't afford this man.

Think of Su Nuan's just angrily appearance, his forehead actually began to see layers of cold sweat.

If she wants revenge on him...

"Su Nuan..."

He couldn't help but want to hold Su Nuan and try to save something.

Xu Junyu took Su Nuan and walked forward two steps, "Let's go, dear. Let's go to dinner."


What Xu Jun said just now made Su Nuan feel uncomfortable.

Water flows to lower place, man goes to higher position……

Fan Yiwen said that he broke up because he found a woman with a much better family background?


Men who have the ability are not good people!

Such as Sheng Yuchen!

No one is still a good person!

For example, Fan Yiwen is a scumbag!

"Su Nuan!"

Seeing Su Nuan was about to leave, Fan Yiwen called her anxiously, but didn't get any response, only to see Su Nuan being hugged and left by the man.

Su Nuan's footsteps were a bit fast. He originally walked towards the entrance of the hospital, but ran to the park behind the hospital in a daze.

Xu Junyu followed behind her, while looking at her back, he took out his mobile phone and made a call.

After a few simple words, he put away the phone.

Finally, with both hands in his pockets, he quickened his pace to follow Su Nuan.

After Xu Jun and He Su Nuan left, the people watching the excitement still pointed to Fan Yiwen, and Fan Yiwen was ashamed for a while by the undaunted words.

"What do you look at? Blaming others will show how noble you are?!"

Fan Yiwen is desperate!

What he did was wrong, but it was not his turn to blame him!

What's wrong with him choosing a woman who is helpful to him:?

There are so many men in this world who are dazzled by women, who are not still living at ease, no worse than any of them?

Who has no selfishness in his heart? Who is not dark? Who doesn't want to take one step to the sky?

Why should they come and blame him? !

If it is any one of them, if given the opportunity, the choice will definitely be the same as myself.

It's just that they have no chance!


Fan Yiwen cursed fiercely. Just about to close the door of the room, he threw a fist in the face, knocking his head to the side and hitting the door frame.

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