Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2375: Do it for you

Fan Yiwen cursed fiercely. Just about to close the door of the room, he threw a fist in the face, knocking his head to the side and hitting the door frame.

"Fuck! There is no end?!"

Fan Yiwen really has no patience today!

After being beaten by Su Nuan, but also being pointed out by others, here it is again!

He straightened up, covered his head and looked at the incoming person, his eyes filled with uncontrollable anger.

Huo Yan looked at her fist and looked disapproving.

"Sorry. My master said you owe you a fight. Let me come over and do it for you."


Fan Yiwen is not a fool, his first reaction was to think of the man who had just left with Su Nuan in his arms.

"Who is your young master?"

"Hmph, it seems that your eyes really have a problem! Since you don't know, then forget it."

As soon as Huo Yan's voice fell, he raised his fist and hit Fan Yiwen again...

"Enough, enough! Is it over?!"

Provoked people who shouldn't be provoked, he deserves to be repaired!

However, there must be a degree.

"Then you settle down, don't struggle, so I can save a bit of effort to complete the task early!"

"..." Fan Yiwen was speechless, calmly, let him fight?

Is he crazy or is he stupid?

He was still in a dazed gap, and Huoyan went on again.

There were roars in the corridors of the hospital, and the onlookers walked and stayed. They were constantly moving, but no one in the hospital came up to stop them.

Xu Jiahui, who has been in the ward, is boring at this time!

There was nothing serious at first, but now that she was tossed into the hospital, it would be too obvious if she didn't live for two days.

The VIP ward is at the end of the corridor, which is relatively quieter than the general ward. In fact, the general ward is usually not noisy. The hospital management is very strict, and ordinary people also know the truth about not making loud noises in the hospital.

But this afternoon it was noisy, it made people a headache.

Xu Jiahui couldn't help but got off the bed and ran out of the ward.

The corridor was really lively, she squeezed forward curiously, and then she saw someone being beaten wildly!

Take a closer look, isn't it Huo Yan who beat people?


She yelled uncertainly, and Huo Yan turned to look at her as expected.

After seeing her, I was visibly stunned for a while, retracted my hand and stood on the side.

"Madam, why are you here?"

Xu Jiahui glanced at Huoyan and Fan Yiwen's body back and forth, wondering:

"What are you doing? How do you beat people?"

Fan Yiwen looked up and wanted to see the so-called "wife", just how sacred the man's mother was, so he gave Huo Yan a slap and pressed his face against the wall.

"There is nothing too big, but the young master looks at him unpleasant and wants to teach him a lesson!"

Xu Jiahui frowned, "Why is that stinky guy going crazy?!"

Huo Yan pursed her lips and did not speak.

"What's your question?!" Xu Jiahui's voice was suddenly raised, making the flames agitated.

"Because...because a woman..."

"This brat!"

Xu Jiahui gritted her teeth, and her first reaction was that Xu Junyu was playing around outside again.

"Where is he?!"

Huo Yan shook his head, "I don't know..."

Xu Jiahui stared at him, and he immediately lowered his head.

"Madam, your young master may have followed that girl to the park behind the hospital..."

The onlookers pointed to the direction where Xu Jun and them had left just now, completely kind.

Xu Jiahui smiled and said thank you, and walked in that direction when she raised her foot!

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