Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 240: Refuse to look back

Chang Chu's entire beautiful face was almost wrinkled together, and his eyes were full of shock and doubt.

Is this still her father?

Where did the father who loved her, loved her and supported her unconditionally no matter what?

Marrying into the Sheng family and marrying Sheng Yuchen is her only wish in this life!

No, this is the only way out in her life!

This belief has persisted for more than ten years since childhood. Does it mean to give up?

"Dad, you know, Chen loves me, I love Chen too, I have difficulties, what's wrong with Chen helping me? He forced you? What did he force you to do?"


"Mr. Chang, it's time to take the medicine!"

Chang Yikuan was interrupted by the nurse in the ward when he almost blurted out.

Chang Yikuan choked, the nurse prepared the medicine and handed it to Chang Yikuan's hand, secretly giving him a warning look.

Chang Yikuan stunned, took the pills and swallowed them.

Chang Chu didn't notice anything unusual, watching Chang Yikuan finish drinking the medicine, the look on his face returned to the original.

"Dad, think about it, how Chen has treated me for so many years! No matter what happens in the future, he won't ignore me!"

"Chu Chu, he doesn't love you!"

Chang Chu's delicate body shook severely, his face instantly pale, and Chang Yikuan's small hands pressed tightly under his palm, his long nails almost clamped into his palm.

"But he owes me!"

Chang Chu gritted his teeth, staring at the white sheets, slowly climbing up his face with a faint grim smile.

"Dad, even if Chen doesn't love me, he can't get rid of me. He can only be with me in this life, otherwise, he will live with guilt for me for a lifetime, and he will not be happy! Only me, only me To give him happiness!"

"The biggest obstacle between us is Mu Chuqing, this **** woman. As long as she is defeated by me, as long as she disappears completely, Chen will never be distracted again!"


Chang Yikuan wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Chang Chu without thinking.

"Dad, don't talk about it anymore, in short, give me your shares now!"


Regret flashed in Chang Yikuan's eyes!

Too late!

If he knew that Sheng Yuchen was not sincere to Chu Chu, he had persuaded Chu Chu to let go early, and their father and daughter would not fall to where they are today...

Even if he holds the handle in his hand, now, he is being watched even for a word.

Chu Chu is now completely focused on Sheng Yuchen. If he is cruel and leaves the Sheng family with nothing, then Chu Chu will have nothing to rely on!

Sheng Yuchen!

Are you serious about not leaving us with anything?

"Chu Chu, are you reluctant to look back?"


Chang Yikuan didn't give up, and the application looked at Chang Chu with special dignity.

But Chang Chu was already impatient.


Chang Yikuan stretched out his hand to stop Chang Chu's words, sighed, looked at Chang Chu deeply, and looked at it carefully. Before that, the handsome face seemed to be several years old.

Chang Yikuan's expression was sad, looking at Chang Chu's eyes with the last bit of tolerance.

"Take out the equity transfer form, I'll sign it!"

Chang Chu’s face was instantly full of smiles, and the expectation in his eyes could hardly be like a patient suffering from a du addiction. When he saw the “du product” close at hand, the crazy expression that was almost salivating was in the heart of the viewer Hairy.

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