Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 241: Don't you say how i understand

Chang Chu’s face was instantly full of smiles, and the expectation in his eyes could hardly be like a patient suffering from a du addiction. When he saw the “du product” close at hand, the crazy expression that was almost salivating was in the heart of the viewer Hairy.

She turned around and took out the equity transfer letter she had just prepared before coming from her bag and handed it to Chang Yikuan's hand, and graciously opened the lid of the signature pen and handed it to Chang Yikuan.

Chang Yikuan took the equity transfer letter and pen, stopped when the pen tip was at the signature place, and looked up at the daughter he had loved since childhood.

The face that was once immature and innocent, now looks more like her dead mother.

It is a pity that her mother will always be a gentle and virtuous posture, contented and happy, without fighting with the world.

He always thought that even if Chu Chu had no mother since he was a child, he must have inherited her mother's temperament.

However, he seems to be wrong too!

The daughter he had educated by one hand is now completely contrary to her and has gone off track.


Seeing Chang Yikuan's refusal to write for a long time, the smile on Chang Chu's face gradually solidified, but he still lowered his voice as much as possible to remind Chang Yikuan.

Chang Yikuan returned to his senses, frowned, shook his head helplessly, lowered his head and finally signed the equity transfer letter.

Chang Chu breathed a sigh of relief, carefully put the things into his bag, and then stood up from the edge of the bed.

"Dad, don't worry, I will definitely guard your Chang clan."


"Let's go, I'm tired!"

Chang Yikuan waved to Chang Chu, then slid down and lay down with his back to Chang Chu.

"Then Dad, take a good rest, I'm going to work now!"


Chang Chu walked out of the ward with a lame foot. Before leaving, he greeted the "care worker" in the ward and asked her to take good care of her father.


Ye Susu returned to the villa at seven o'clock, and the light in the living room was lit almost to turn the entire villa into a huge lantern.

Ye Susu stood at the door and squinted. When his eyes adjusted to the light in the living room, he saw that there was only one person sitting quietly on the sofa. The TV in front of him was turned on and the sound was loud, but string after string. advertising.

Ye Susu frowned, walked to the TV and unplugged it directly.

She threw the latch in her hand aside heavily, and turned to look at Sheng Yuchen who had already raised her head to look at her.

When Ye Susu saw Sheng Yuchen, he was stunned for the first time, and then he felt a pain in his heart, and his eyes were instantly red.

How could her cousin, who was once so arrogant, become like this now?

In the past, a pair of cold, sharp and handsome eyes were bloodshot at this moment, and Jun Yi's face was hard to hide the haggard and depressed face.

Ye Susu closed her eyes and took a breath. She wished she wanted a man to fall in love with her all her life, but she never ended up.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get into his heart!

How difficult and painful it is to fall in love, she is the one who knows the most and is in the most intimate place!

"What's the matter? What's the matter? How many unsolvable knots do you two have?"


Sheng Yuchen looked at her, and when he heard Ye Susu's apparent loss of control and become hysterical and growling, a painful flash of pain suddenly flashed in his bloodshot eyes.

"You do not understand……"

"If you don't tell me, how do I understand?!"

Ye Susu cried, interrupting Sheng Yuchen.

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