Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 248: She gave him

When Chang Chu climbed onto Sheng Yuchen's left shoulder with both hands, Sheng Yuchen frowned and stretched out his right hand to pull Chang Chu's hand from his shoulder.

And Sheng Yuchen didn't come to this consciousness because of pain.

It was just because, even if it was a wound, even if it was pain, it was given to him by Mu Chuqing.

His shoulders protected Mu Chuqing yesterday, so he won't protect another woman!

Especially, it's her!

Chang Chu was thinking that Sheng Yuchen would reach out and take her into his arms, but he never thought that not only did he not help her, he even pushed her...


Chang Chu exclaimed, his tone of panic and deep unbelievable.

Sheng Yuchen returned to his senses, and when he caught the deep suspicion in Chang Chu's eyes, his heart moved, and he reached out and grabbed Chang Chu's wrist, then pulled her up and threw her aside.

Chang Chu lay down on Sheng Yuchen's desk, and let out a long sigh of relief in a little shock.

When he calmed down, Chang Chu stood up and looked at Sheng Yuchen, aggrieved on his face.


The pink lips trembled lightly, and there was some crying in his grievances. Although he didn't shed tears, how to put on a pitiful posture was Chang Chu's best skill.


Sheng Yuchen said solemnly, with indifference on his face, turned and walked towards the French windows.

Chang Chu felt even more wronged. When Sheng Yuchen passed by her, he stretched out his hand and took his left hand.

I wanted to just hold him, but felt a rough touch in the palm of his hand.

Sheng Yuchen withdrew his hand, put it in front of him, stroked the piece of gauze with his left hand with his right hand, looked down at the spot that had been dyed red, and his dark eyes glided with regret.

"Chen, why did your hand hurt?!"

Chang Chu hurriedly grabbed Sheng Yuchen's hand again, but he avoided him.

There was a hint of impatience deep in the eyes.

"If it's okay, you can go back!"

"How can it be okay! Your hands... In short, go to the hospital to re-bandage, the gauze is already dirty!"

"no need!"

"Chen, if the gauze is not replaced in time, it will infect the wound..."

Sheng Yuchen didn't speak any more, but turned around and reached out and pressed the telephone on the desk.

"Irwin, let the left wing prepare the car and send Miss Chang back to rest!"


Sheng Yuchen hung up the phone, and Chang Chu's voice came from behind him:


Sheng Yuchen turned his back to her for a long while before finally turning around, his handsome face was already tender.

"Your own feet are not good, so don't worry about me! I have a sense of measure!"

Seeing Sheng Yuchen's soft mouth, Chang Chu seemed to be explaining to her, and his words also revealed concern.

After sniffing, Chang Chu stepped forward and gently leaned against Sheng Yuchen's arms.

"Chen, do you know? How much I care about you, I don't want to hurt you a little bit. You have changed a lot recently, and you feel farther and farther away from me! Don't do this to me, your unintentional act, to me In other words, it means going from heaven to earth."

Sheng Yuchen stood straight there, letting Chang Chu lean in his arms.

Too much strangeness to Chang Chu today!

He can't mess himself up...

For a while-

He put his hand lightly on Ke Changchu's shoulder and patted it twice! Looking outside the door, his voice was soft.

"do not think too much!"

Realizing Sheng Yuchen's tenderness again, Chang Chu burst into laughter and straightened up from Sheng Yuchen's arms.

"Then... Chen! Remember to bring me to Bihuang's charity dinner this year!"

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