Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 249: Call from Li Zhenghua

"Then... Chen, remember to bring me to Bihuang's charity dinner this year!"

Sheng Yuchen turned around and picked up the cigarette case on the table, took out one, and clamped it in his hand.

"Go if you want!"

Chang Chujiao smiled, holding Sheng Yuchen's arm, and said:

"Thank you, Chen!"

Sheng Yuchen withdrew his hand from Chang Chu's, found an open flame and lit the cigarette in his hand, then turned around and threw the lighter on the desk.

"It's just that I'm going to the United States next Monday to discuss cooperation, and I don't know if I can come back. If I can't come back, you can go by yourself..."

Chang Chu pouted dissatisfiedly, "What kind of business do you want to talk about for a day?"


Sheng Yuchen was expressionless and silent, not planning to answer Chang Chu's brainless question.

"Chen, please, even if it’s for me, come back early! The dinner starts in the evening. You work harder and come back earlier, okay?"

Sheng Yuchen's eyes were full of impatience, but he still pressed his voice and said, "I will try my best!"

"Not as much as possible, but definitely!"

Chang Chu said firmly, with an unusually tough attitude.

Since the last time the rumors of the cancellation of the marriage contract went out, they have not appeared together in public.

This dinner, if she and Chen both come together, it will definitely break the rumors of canceling the marriage contract.

Besides, if Chen can't, what's the point of some things?

Sheng Yuchen realized that his endurance had reached the brink of explosion.

He wondered how his endurance was so bad.

Fortunately, the door of the office was knocked at this moment, and then the left wing pushed in.


Standing at the door and looking at Sheng Yuchen, the left wing found that his boss was glaring at him fiercely. Those black eyes were like two sharp arrows filled with black mist, and you shot him straight.

His heart was stunned, and even a word of appellation began to stutter.

"Send Miss Chang back!"

The left wing was standing in place with cold sweat on his forehead, panicking, but Sheng Yuchen had already coldly spoken to him.


The left wing quickly responded, his handsome face turned to Chang Chu beside the boss, a pair of bright eyes with a bit of resentment.

It was this woman, and he was often affected.

"Miss Chang, please!"

"Chen, you must come back!"


Sheng Yuchen replied impatiently.

Chang Chu smiled relievedly, and followed the left wing out of Sheng Yuchen's office.

Sheng Yuchen sighed for a long time, walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office, raised his right hand to take a cigarette, but raised his right hand halfway, changed direction, and then covered his left shoulder.

The dark heavy pupils flashed with complex expressions, tenderness for a while, mocking for a while, and finally turned into deep pain.


Sitting in the office, Mu Chuqing was racking his brains to consider how to seize the remaining shares of Chang from Sheng Yuchen's hands, and successfully complete Chang's pocket.

She scratched her scalp and didn't think of a reliable way. God knows, she just wanted it. If there is no way, she will seize Sheng Yuchen to lure this trick.

But as soon as this thought came out, the phone rang suddenly.

After taking a look at the call reminder, it was Li Zhenghua's call.

Mu Chuqing raised her brows and pressed the ON button.

"Hey, Dad!"

"How's the girl doing?!"



Li Zhenghua responded, and the two were silent for a while through the phone.

"Something to call?"

It was Mu Chuqing who couldn't calm down first.

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