Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2539: Weird couple

Su Nuan trembled suddenly and clearly felt the pain and numbness of her tongue being bitten by Xu Jun.

However, Xu Junyu let go of her at this moment, put her head in his arms, with a faint, emotionless smile on his face.

Finally, under the leadership of the staff, he hugged Su Nuan and walked towards the backstage.

Su Nuan was grateful for Xu Junyu's considerate behavior after the kiss, otherwise she would face so many people watching them after being kissed so deeply, she really wanted to die.

Are men so cheeky?

Even if the ritual is over, why is it so natural and not shy at all to kiss in front of so many people?

Xu Junyu took Su Nuan to the waiting room, Su Nuan hurriedly backed out of his arms.

A blushing blood, two people were in the same room, but Su Nuan hid from him and wanted to hide in the corner.

She can feel Xu Junyu's anger, but to her, his temper is inexplicable!

Xu Junyu calmly leaned against the wall at the door of the room.

The makeup artist and assistant designer waiting in the room all looked at the two people inexplicably, especially Xu Jun and the unrestrained anger on his body, making them dare not even get out of the air.

It was the first time I saw such a weird couple. It could still be like this on the wedding day. A man hiding far away did not speak and did not intend to reconcile.

A cold one seemed to have been exposed to some great anger, leaning there with a cold face, it was not as if he was actively seeking reconciliation.

It's not that they haven't seen the marriage of men and women who seem to be in harmony, marriage, marriage or other hidden feelings.

But it was the first time I saw someone like them.

Obviously I have seen them look kind and loving, and the dog food between the two of them has also been enough.

Two people can get along so harmoniously and lovingly, but how come they get awkward at every turn?

The eyes of the two people kept moving, but they dared not say a word.

"What are you doing in a daze? Free?"

Xu Junyu suddenly spoke in a deep voice, and with the voice of ice ballast, several people shuddered in fright, and quickly began to get busy.

Next is the wedding banquet. The bride needs to toast the guests, so the bride's toast dress is also prepared in advance.

Su Nuan, who was hiding to the side, was immediately surrounded by a few people. After a while, he was stripped naked and put on a simple semi-Chinese red cheongsam. His big head was simply set up, and his makeup was just covered. After removing it, this time just put on a light makeup. Not only did she look refreshed, but Su Nuan herself felt much refreshed.

Although I am wearing a cheongsam, I don't know how much easier it is than the wedding dress and headwear I just mentioned.

Su Nuan took a long breath, completely relieved.

Xu Junyu faintly raised his eyes and glanced at Su Nuan. The light in his eyes changed slightly, and finally he lowered his head again to reduce the expression in his eyes.

Su Nuan watched him quietly leaning there motionless, thought about it, and walked towards him.

"I'm ready!"

She has to go out to toast for a while, a task that must be completed, it is not the same thing for her to hide.

Hearing her voice, Xu Junyu slowly raised his eyes.

The line of sight was still clear for a moment, but Su Nuan's heart fell to the bottom in a flash.

She stretched out her hand and shook it before his eyes, his eyes didn't move at all.

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