Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2540: Do you have amnesia

She stretched out her hand and shook it before his eyes, his eyes didn't move at all.

A deep disappointment spread in my heart, and people sighed with disappointment.

"What? I can't see that you are embarrassed to leave me, so I'm so disappointed?"

Xu Jun and Liangliang's voice rang again, and it was so harsh in Su Nuan's ears.

"Can you not be so gloomy in your heart, and simply want to make your eyes better?"

"Isn't it an excuse to find another man!"

"When did I say that?!"

"Do you have amnesia?!"

"You have an abnormality!"

"Hehe, let you know tonight, where am I more perverted!"

"You..." Su Nuan was just about to say something subconsciously, but Xu Junyu's words rushed directly into her mind from her ears. After an instant digestion, a single sentence choked there, and she couldn't say a word. .

Frozen there, blushing, croaking and looking uncomfortable.

The other people in the room were speechless.

To say the most weird couple in the world, this couple is definitely among them.

What? Just now I was in a posture of being old and dead, and now I'm flirting again!


Xu Junyu said, stretched out his hand and naturally hugged Su Nuan's waist and pulled him closer.

Su Nuan twisted her body awkwardly, Xu Jun and Shen Sheng, "If you are restless, we should not go to the wedding banquet, and we will just be here in advance!"

Su Nuan stopped moving immediately, and after murmured "abnormal", he let Xu Jun and his arms go away.

After arriving at the wedding banquet hall and paying respect to their elders, Xu Junyu took Su Nuan to respect several shareholders of the company. After receiving so many compliments and blessings tonight, Su Nuan became numb.

Anyway, she didn't know the person toasting, and she couldn't hurt her face blindness. After the introduction, she was the one who couldn't recognize people immediately afterwards.

Toasting with Xu Jun and table after table dumbly, and occasionally following Xu Jun and shouting a few people, the glass in his hand has long been replaced with Coke, Su Nuan is just walking the process, except for a decent smile , I don’t think much of it.

By the time she followed Xu Junyu to the next table, Su Nuan was already a little absent-minded.

"Pour wine."

If it hadn't been for Xu Junyu who suddenly spoke to her ear, she would have fallen asleep on the spot.

A Ji Ling reacted and took the wine bottle from the waiter on the side and poured it towards Xu Jun and the wine glass in his hand.

"You drink." Xu Junyu said suddenly, then handed her the wine glass in her hand.

Su Nuan frowned and looked up at Xu Junyu, wondering what he was doing again. Didn't she say she would not drink before?

Why now...

Xu Jun and the wine glass in his hand came to her again, and she had to reach out and catch it.

At this time, she was helpless, she had no choice but to bite the bullet. Anyway, she couldn’t drink,

Coupled with the toast all the way down, Xu Junyu did drink a lot.

Thinking about this, Su Nuan also wanted to start, took a deep breath, raised a smile, and turned to face the person on the table.

However, when she saw the person across the table, Su Nuan's smile instantly solidified.

Fan Yiwen sat at the table, facing Su Nuan. He was also looking at her with his head up, without blinking.

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