Fan Yiwen sat at the table, facing Su Nuan. He was also looking at her with his head up, without blinking.

She was so enthusiastic and straightforward, and with thick unwilling eyes, she frowned slightly.

Her gaze shifted slightly and fell on Chen Chu who was next to him. Chen Chu also looked at her. After touching her gaze, she pulled the corners of her lips, but found that she could only show an awkward smile.

Su Nuan sneered, and then looked away. When she fell on the **** and enchanting woman sitting next to Fan Yiwen, a man of medium stature suddenly stood up and smiled towards Xu Jun and:

"I am honored to participate in the wedding ceremony of Young Master Xu. Xiao Mou would like to respect Young Master Xu a cup and wish you a happy marriage with your wife.

Xu Jun and Wei Wei curled their lips, "But Mr. Xiao decorated by the Xiao family?"

"Haha, yes yes! Young Master Xu is really memorable!" Xu Junyu raised his hand, and the person on the side handed him another wine glass. He raised the wine glass in his hand in the direction Mr. Xiao was talking, with thin lips. With a thin smile, he raised his head and drank the drink in his hand.

Mr. Xiao smiled and happily drank the wine in his glass cleanly.

Xiao Nana, who had been sitting next to Fan Yiwen, saw Xu Junyu giving face to her father so she stood up, walked in front of Xu Junyu, and smiled: "Hello, Master Xu, I’m Xiao Nana, I On behalf of my father, I wish our company a happy cooperation. At the same time, congratulations."

She didn't mention a word about today's happy day.

Xiao Nana?

Su Nuan’s gaze followed Xiao Nana, and she saw her wearing a tight-fitting fishtail dress close to her body, her figure was almost perfect, her waist was slender, the place that should be tall was full, and the place that should be upright was round and her face I don’t know if I can call it heavy makeup. In Su Nuan’s eyes, Xiao Nana’s facial features look very delicate at the moment, and her whole body exudes strong confidence.

This is a woman!

This is the real woman Fan Yiwen said.

I have to say that at this point, she is indeed inferior to this woman named Xiao Nana.

Can dress up, talk, can... seduce men,

She curled her lips lightly, looking at the play, glanced at Fan Yiwen, who didn't look so good, and then put her gaze on Xiao Nana's body.

Xiao Nana stood in front of Xu Junyu, raised her head, and observed this man more closely. She was even more handsome and handsome. She just stood still, and the scorpion exuding from her body had a noble temperament, enough to confuse her. A woman.

The more this happened, the more annoyed her heart was, and she regretted that she didn't have any anxiety with Xu Jun sooner. I don't know, it's not too late.

"Master Xu, Nana is my daughter." Knowing that Xu Junyu couldn't see it, or maybe she didn't know who Xiao Nana was, since Nana stood up to speak for him, he should remind him.

Xu Junyu nodded and smiled, "Congratulations to me?"

Xiao Nana's expression froze, she didn't really congratulate him, she just wanted to brush her presence in front of him.

Now he asked, Xiao Nana could only say against her will: "Of course I congratulate Young Master Xu on her happy wedding!"

"Heh..." Xu Junyu smiled lightly, "I thought I was wishing my wife and I live together, and give birth to an early son?"

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