Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2542: Wife, help me drink

"Heh..." Xu Junyu smiled lightly, "I thought I was wishing my wife and I live together, and give birth to an early son?"

Xiao Nana was stunned again, "...Of course, I also wish you and your wife grow old together and give birth to a beautiful son!"

Xu Junyu nodded, "Thank you. All the blessings tonight sound, these two sentences are my favorite."

As he said, he reached out and took Su Nuan into his arms, and laughed in a low voice: "I think my wife likes listening the most, right?"

Some of the wine in Su Nuan's hand spilled out and wetted her fingertips. She glanced at it and didn't care. Instead, she nodded softly and gave a soft "Yes".

Xu Junyu laughed again and drank the wine in one go.

Xu Jun and really drank a lot today. After he finished drinking, he handed the wine glass to the waiter beside him, leaned slightly closer to Su Nuan, and said:

"My wife, I drank too much today. Will you help me drink it next?"

Su Nuan glanced at him, and saw that his fair and handsome face was stained a little red, and his beautiful eyes were also slightly morose.

She held the water glass, nodded lightly, and said, "Okay."

Xu Junyu smiled, leaned over and kissed her side of her cheek, put her arms around her waist, almost put most of her body weight on her body, she supported her body stiffly, looking away It swept across the faces of several people on the table.

Then he turned his head and whispered to Xu Junyu, "What should I do? I don't know, who to respect first?"

Xu Junyu raised his eyebrows, "Don't you know? I remember that there should be two outstanding employees of our company on this table? The purchasing department..."

Fan Yiwen's body suddenly stiffened, his eyes shrank suddenly, and panic and vigilance appeared in his eyes.

He looked up at Xu Junyu in a panic, and suddenly remembered in his mind that he was in the hospital before, just after he was found cheating, the man who hugged Su Nuan in front of him,

In terms of body shape and temperament, he was exactly the same as Xu Junyu now.

It turned out that at that time, they had already hooked up.

But since you choose Mr. Xu, why go home all night and steal your account book to marry him?

He didn't believe that she was on two boats at that time. Since she was really on Mr. Xu, a woman would choose him. At that time, Yuan Yao really planned to marry him.

Even if I knew Mr. Xu, I never wavered the idea of ​​marrying him who was worthless. It can be seen that Su Nuan is not a vanity-loving woman.

After he did everything possible to please the woman, the blind man could see that she wanted to seduce the groom today.

How could a superficial woman with big breasts, irritation and vain, be better than Su Nuan.

It’s just that Su Nuan will not give him any chance at all.

But what he is most worried about now is how, in the entire Xu Group, the newly appointed supervisor of a purchasing department in his district, how could he let his immediate superiors remember,

Yes, not long ago, he was a small employee who rose to the head of the department, and then broke up with Su Nuan,

Now he is remembered by Xu Jun. In his opinion, it was simply because he had been with Su Nuan and threw Su Nuan in front of him. He knew everything about the cheating. As for Xiao Nana together...

Yes, he is selfish. The direct exchange between the purchasing department and the decoration company, and the rebate alone, is enough for him to get the money to get soft.

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