Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2589: Don't cry.

"Speak, where did the people go back? What happened?...Master?"

When the housekeeper came in, he saw Xu Junyu at a glance. He paused on the spot, called Xu Junyu in doubt, and immediately looked in Su Nuan's direction subconsciously.

"If you take another look, I'll goug your eyes out!"

The butler was so frightened that he quickly closed his eyes.

Xu Junyu held Su Nuan tightly in his arms, and almost wrapped her whole body tightly in his arms.

Su Nuan also frankly shrank into Xu Junyu's arms, clutching his collar tightly, and constantly piercing his head with a head.

"Get out!"

Xu Junyu roared again, the butler paused in place, hesitated for a while, and finally reached out his hand and rubbed the door frame of the restaurant, closed his eyes and walked out.

When he felt out of the restaurant, he opened his eyes and looked behind him, if...

If he didn't read it wrong, the young master should have been young grandma in his arms just now?

Moreover, he just seemed to see a small section of young grandma's calf, although she quickly took it back, although it was only a moment, but it should have not run away.

This is eating and eating, again in interest?

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, young people nowadays are so arbitrary.

It was so fierce last night, and the young master is still so today, no wonder the young grandma cried so much.

Shaking his head, he walked out of the yard again.

In the dining room, Su Nuan was still sobbing and crying. She almost seldom cried. This time it was as if she was suddenly pressed a certain switch, tears streaming continuously.

Xu Junyu looked at the woman who was holding her tightly in her arms, and suddenly the corners of her mouth twitched, causing a headache.

At first, I only wanted to bully her and cry, but I never thought about how to keep her from crying.

I felt at a loss for the first time, but he pulled Su Nuan off the table and put her pants on herself.

Su Nuan was still in a daze, tears still falling, and he hiccups unexpectedly at this moment.

There were hiccups, with a crying voice, no matter how pitiful it sounded or looked, it was pitiful.

Xu Junyu deeply felt what it meant to be self-inflicted and not to live, nodded helplessly, and the woman in his arms burped again.

He sighed, suddenly stretched out his hand again, and went under Su Nuan's armpit, looking like he was about to hug her again.

Su Nuan's body stiffened, and after a while, Xu Junyu retreated, holding a bun in his hand, grabbed a piece, and handed it to Su Nuan's mouth.

Su Nuan looked at the bun beside her mouth unclearly, with a look of doubt and disapproval, but still more aggrieved.

Not feeling it, he hiccup again.

Xu Junyu took the opportunity to stuff the bun in Su Nuan's mouth.

Su Nuan then knew what he meant.

He wanted to cure her hiccups and let her eat the buns and press them down.

She was uncomfortable with the hiccups herself, and did not refuse, chewed the buns in her mouth twice, then swallowed them down.

"Don't cry. Huh?"

Xu Junyu reached out and wiped her tears with her warm fingers, her voice was low, dull and gentle.

It was in sharp contrast with what it was just now.

Su Nuan burped again, much smaller than before. Xu Junyu grabbed another piece of bun and handed it to Su Nuan's mouth.

The tears on Su Nuan's face were as constant as a spring, but with a single mouth, Xu Jun and the bun in his hand were eaten into his mouth, and he bit Xu Junyu's finger severely by the way.

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