Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2590: Vicious woman

The tears on Su Nuan's face were as constant as springs, but it was a mouthful, and he ate Xu Jun and the bun in his hand into his mouth, and took a bite of Xu Junyu's finger by the way.

"...Vicious woman."

Xu Junyu looked at the fingerprints on his fingers, put his fingers in his mouth and licked without thinking.

Su Nuan flushed, frowning and looking at Xu Junyu's.

The tears on her face were still flowing, Xu Junyu sighed, reached out her hand to hold her chin, and took a few tissues from the tissue box on the dining table with one hand, helping to wipe the tears on her face, his voice helpless And whispered gently:

"Don't cry, I was wrong just now. I didn't control my emotions!"

Su Nuan didn't speak, but stared at him silently, as if thinking of something wronged, tears on his face suddenly became smaller again.

Xu Jun was caught off guard, and several paper towels were instantly soaked.

"Su Xiaonuan!"

Xu Jun and Qiji, he sighed in such a low voice, still so endless.

Xu Jun and shouting at her, Su Nuan stared at him with a pair of flushed eyes.

It looks stubborn, but I feel wronged.

Xu Junyu sighed heavily, wiped her tears again, then stretched out her hand to help her organize her clothes, and said helplessly:

"I am so angry by you too! I have said too many times, since you have married me, I will love you, spoil you, if you say you are not ready, I am willing to cooperate with you, you say, what I did Isn’t that enough? Huh? In the end, you don’t believe me... You are wronged now, don’t you know that I will be wronged too?”

Su Nuan's eyes blinked, and the toughness in her eyes softened a bit.

Xu Junyu lowered her head and kissed her cheek lightly, and then whispered in her ear:

"Women cry when they are wronged, but men vent their grievances..." Xu Jun and his face flashed unnaturally, and he pursed his lips and said, "You think, if I cried like you did just now, I would What is it like?"

Su Nuan's eyes blinked again, as if he really thought about what Xu Junyu had just said, and an expression of disgust appeared on his face immediately.


Xu Junyu knew what Su Nuan was disgusting with, so he struck the iron while it was hot and said again.

Su Nuan didn't speak for a long time, and suddenly he hiccup again.

Xu Junyu smiled, and handed the bun in his hand to Su Nuan's eyes, "Can you still eat it?"

Su Nuan glanced at the steamed bun, stretched out his hand and copied it over, turning his back to Xu Junyu, not looking at him.

He was really terrible just now, now she doesn’t want to see him at all,

But Xu Junyu stuck it up from behind her again.

Su Nuan's body became stiff, and she reacted and moved her elbow, "Let go of me."

Regarding Xu Junyu’s embrace, Su Nuan has become more accustomed to Xu Junyu’s embrace, but Xu Junyu just now is really terrifying...

Xu Junyu's chin rested on her shoulders, Su Nuan struggled, Xu Junyu naturally refused to let her go, tightened her arms, and hugged Su Nuan tighter.

"Stop crying. Huh?"

"Who is crying?" Su Nuan put a bun in his mouth and calmed down. When Xu Junyu said the word "cry", his face immediately flushed with embarrassment.

When did she cry?

How could she do such a stupid and weak thing? !

But just now, she really did it.

I feel ashamed to think about it.

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