Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2643: receive punishment

Su Nuan smiled and nodded, "Go out and use a loudspeaker to promote it. All the drinks in the store are free today!"


The eyes widened angrily, red and fierce.

The look in his eyes wanted to tear Su Nuan to pieces.

Su Nuan smiled coldly, her eyes cold and merciless.

Xu Junyu sat on the bar in the distance, and had a panoramic view of Su Nuan's expression at the moment.

A pair of long and narrow eyes gradually narrowed.

"Do you think Su Nuan is not right?"

He tilted his head and frowned slightly at Su Nuan, but he was speaking to Huo Yan beside him.

Huoyan paused when he was asked, and looked up at Su Nuan.

If you look at it sharply, the character looks like that...

Uh, tough.

The young grandma is still the young grandmother, and looks the same, but now it looks like it is better than before...

"It doesn't seem to be much different. If you have to say it, the young lady seems... more beautiful than before."

As he said, his gaze was still staring in Su Nuan's direction, his face couldn't help but admiration.

But I didn’t notice that Xu Jun, who was sitting on the side, and his face turned black instantly,

Xu Junyu sat in a chair and watched Huo Yan for a long time, but Huo Yan still stared at Su Nuan without realizing it.

In fact, I thought that Su Nuan didn’t fit well with her young master. After all, she’s been around the young master for so long, and all kinds of women have looked at it a lot. Comparing Su Nuan to those women...

The difference is too far.

But after getting along, I discovered that women are still the best

She didn’t dress up very much before, but now she’s dressed up, her temperament is immediately different.

And it belongs to the more beautiful type.

Compare it again, how do those women compare to the current Suunum.

"I let you see her expression and style, not how she looks like."

The voices of Xu Jun and Youyou rang coldly beside Huo Yan, Huo Yan's whole body was shaken, and he turned his head slowly almost mechanically, and gradually put his eyes on Xu Junyu who was beside him.

Then there was a pause on his face, and then an awkward smile was raised instantly.

"Ah, this...I didn't find..."

Xu Junyu curled her lips coldly, facing Huo Yan, raised her eyebrows and said:

"Of course you didn't notice it, just watch her look pretty?"

"...No, Master misunderstood..."

Xu Junyu didn't seem to hear anything. Turning the high chair to face Huo Yan, with his hand supporting his chin, Xu Junyu asked Huo Yan again with a smile.

"The first thing to look at a woman is her looks, Huo Yan, your mentality, be careful about orphans. What is so good about a vase? Inner beauty is true beauty, understand?"

"..." Huo Yan twitched the corners of his lips, and had already complained about Xu Jun and not getting out of the car dozens of times.

You are an orphan!

If you don't look at the appearance of women, why are all the women who appeared to you before are beautiful?

But in the end, it's better to just think about it in my heart, and I'm afraid that I won't even have a way to survive.

"Understood. Thank you, Master, for your mention."

Xu Jun and hum laughed, then turned and looked at Su Nuan, "Go back and chop a hundred catties of onions."

Huo Yan wiped his eyes subconsciously, thinking about the last experience and personal experience, the whole person is not good.

Didn’t you just say that the young lady is pretty?

Does this have to be punished?

[Toothache, just want two more changes. You hit me. 】

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