Does this have to be punished?

"Understood, Master." His tone was just a puff.

"Yeah." Xu Junhe responded coldly, and then said: "That woman, and that child, please check them for me!"

Huo Yan raised her head again and looked at the woman who was tightly guarding the child in her arms.

From the moment he came out of the bathroom with the young master, he saw this noisy scene. At first, he only thought it was someone else’s dispute. The young master was thankful that he finally had a reason to take Su Nuan away. He went around looking for the young grandma, but found out One of the protagonists of this farce is his young grandmother,

Randomly find someone to ask the ins and outs of the matter, only to fully understand,

He asked the young master what to do, and the young master intuitively said domineeringly: "Don't say that this matter is not Su Nuan's fault, even if it is her fault, then she is not wrong!"

Huo Yan nodded again and again, "Yes, yes, young grandma is always right. Then...what should we do?"

"Look first. My wife is not the one to suffer."

Huo Yan grinned and looked at the proud look of his young master.

Really, he didn't want to laugh at him anymore.

Let’s take a look first, let’s take a look, anyway, he also thinks that young grandma shouldn’t be a loser.

No, I have been seeing now, his young grandmother is really mighty and domineering.

The handlers are really not merciful at all.

But this woman still has that bear child, and she really needs a lesson.

What kind of courage is it to make her so unscrupulous and domineering.

In Fucheng, even his young master doesn't bring that kind.

See you a long time ago.

Knowing that there are free drinks to drink, there are more and more people in the store, almost everyone is holding a paper cup and standing around watching the excitement.

Because I didn't understand the ins and outs, I asked the people around and they probably all knew.

Although people say it is not good, people who didn't know it at first didn't believe it very much. Later, when they saw that the **** had been swearing, they didn't feel good at all.

One by one, watching the **** spoiling there.

Then from time to time, people onlookers would say something to her, watching her face change like a rainbow, which is also pretty.

Time passed like this, **** has been swearing, and has never noticed that the son in his arms has completely calmed down at the moment, his face is pale, and he is even looking at her complainingly.

Not long after, the police rushed over.

**** Only then thought about leaving, it was too late.

"Mr. Policeman, I belong to this shop... Mrs. Boss, this woman indulged her children and destroyed the art in my shop, and she deliberately caused chaos to affect the business in my shop. She even fought me and refused to admit it, even When the bad words met just now, there was surveillance in the store, and I believe that people who saw it would be willing to testify to me. Now, please ask Mr. Police to help me out for justice!"

When Su Nuan saw the police, he went straight to the subject without saying a word.

The onlookers around also joined in to help Su Nuan testify. Su Nuan was proud of herself. Sometimes when she met a bitch, it was nothing to do something. Naturally, from the top to the bottom, from the inside to the outside, it would make them unable to lift their heads!

How to relieve the qi because of the pain of flesh and skin alone?

Upon hearing Su Nuan's words, **** suddenly exploded.

"Artwork?! You are stinky and shameless! It's just a broken lamp that you don't want to use. Returning a work of art? You actually want to blackmail me, right? Tell you, there are no doors!"

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