Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2652: Do not believe? Go home and ask your dad. (Two thousand words)

But when **** heard Su Nuan's words, his lips changed in a moment of triumph.

She stared at Su Nuan closely, her brows furrowed, and an angry expression on her face. ‘

In fact, everyone is the same. Even if she really did something wrong, or really did something that could not be on the stage, she would never admit that she had done it, and even tried to persuade anyone with reasons she thought.

What she thinks and what she does is correct.

As long as someone doesn't recognize her, everyone is her enemy, the stupidest fool in the world.

Just like ****, the title of Xiao San'er has followed her since the beginning, and has been with her for more than ten years, especially in the first few years.

Although it gradually subsided in the end, she could still hear the words when mentioned occasionally,

This is the stain that she least wants to remember in her life.

It has almost become the only bottom line she can't challenge in her life,

She would not let go of those who talked about her behind her back, and it was even more impossible for her to let go of this person who spoke out unscrupulously.

But Su Nuan has challenged her again and again today. The pampering, domineering and domineering, and the true character in her bones she has been used to for so many years makes her unable to forgive this woman.

But she has just arrived in this strange city. She is unfamiliar with her life. She doesn't know anyone, and is more certain that no one else knows her. However, this woman seems to know her well?

If it's a coincidence, then think about Su Nuan's aggressiveness just now, this happened to be too coincidental.

This woman knows her!

But she doesn't know who this woman is!

"who are you?!"

Su Nuan took the **** reaction into her eyes, and she sneered, "Why? Did you poke your sore spot? I didn't want to admit it when I did it? Yes, anyway, just now, you didn’t. It's just such a person. Whether you admit it or not, now, my art damaged by you, my day's economic loss, mental loss, physical injury, medical expenses, not much, ten million, no less ."

"Ten million?! Why don't you die?!"

With the addition of the mistress that Su Nuan just said, plus the wild asking prices at this moment, the **** has become even more angry, no matter how pretending to be in front of the police, it directly exposes its nature again.

But Su Nuan no longer has the patience to waste time with the **** woman. She didn't want to involve Su Minduo any more. It's just that the two of them provoked her first. Even if she is a stranger today, this attitude Su Nuan didn't plan to let her go.

What's more, it's still ****, new accounts and old accounts, how can they not be counted together.

She blinked her eyelids faintly, and the slow speed showed that she was more than capable.

A lazy aura, but reveals an aura that cannot be easily provoked,

"What? You forced people to divorce in the past, and even your current husband should pay for the alimony of his ex-wife and his daughter? Isn't it also almost ten years after the calculation? The interest is rolled over, 10 million, more ?"


"...What?! So she really is a junior?"

"Damn! You even swallow other people's alimony, or are they not human?"

"The junior is in charge, and she is so treacherous. Even the alimony will have to find a way not to pay it up. Now I am here to recharge it? If you break up other people's families and take other people's alimony, there is still more shameless in this world than her. person?"

"Damn, I hate little third in my life! Bitch, disgusting."


The words spoken by the onlookers were more awkward than the other, and they all spoke in unison one by one "Little San Er", which almost turned the face of the **** talking blue and white.

"Mom? Who is the third child? You?... They said you were the third child and broke up other people's families? Is it true? You took away someone else's husband, and I took someone else's father?"

The boy who had been hiding in the arms of the **** suddenly raised his head and looked at the ****, with a face of doubt, with a faint sense of distance.

**** Anxious, shaking his head, hurriedly said: "No. Qiangqiang, you have to trust your mother..."

"But everyone is saying this, people in our community, my classmates are talking. My classmate Fan Sisi is bullied every day because he was robbed of his father, and there is no car to pick him up and down. She had to transfer to another school not long ago. Just last week, I saw her father and another woman I don’t know bring a boy to our school! And she was in the same class as me..."

"Oh, it's really a gathering of things, they all got together. Xiao San'er's son and Xiao San'er's son can definitely become good friends."

Su Nuan said without even thinking about it, even she now feels that she is too vicious, in front of the child, her mouth is open,

However, the son of ****, what quality she has just learned completely,

What I just said is like how much he hates the identity of Xiao San'er's son, but he himself is Xiao San'er's son, and if it weren't for his existence, she wouldn't have suffered so much, wouldn't it?


Don't tell her that he is just an ignorant child. She has never been merciless when dealing with bear children. What's more, she is a bear child who is accustomed to her by herself, and blames him for being the son of **** .

"Mom, what are you talking about. All of them are false, right? They just envy our family for a good time, right?!"

Although there was a vague eyebrow in his heart, as a child, the mother was completely a gentle, great and glorious image in her heart. Now she has become the most annoying person for the child, how could he want to admit it.

"Yes, yes, others admire your family's good life. Others are liars, and your family has the most money, so... 10 million, lose money!"

Su Nuan seemed to really not want to see the faces of the mother and daughter, urging to lose money to solve the problem and go their own way.

"Loss you uncle! Ten million? I won't give you a dime! I warn you, and dare to tell me something else, I want you to look good!"

**** drew her son tightly behind her, staring at her, wishing to pierce Su Nuan through hundreds of holes with her sight.

Impatient and unbearable anger flashed across Su Nuan's face, she was really stubborn.

She put her gaze once again on the child who was struggling to stand out from behind the ****. He was also staring at her angrily, his eyes even full of warning and resentment.

Su Nuan gritted her teeth and rose in anger.

He looked at him and said: "Why, do you not believe it or do you not want to believe it? If you say or do not believe it to the people in my community, or if your classmates do not believe it, go home and ask your father.

[I don’t even think about chapters when I’m feeling uncomfortable recently. 】

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