Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2653: Little bitch

He looked at him and said, "Why, do you not believe it or do you not want to believe it? If you say or don't believe it to the people in my community, or if your classmates do not believe it, go home and ask your father."

"Ask your dear father, how many shameless things your mother did back then! And how your so-called great father cruelly abandoned his wife and his daughter. It's because of your mother's stomach. It's you who is pregnant, a boy, otherwise, it's really not easy for your mother to want to be in position!"

"..." The boy looked up at the ****, his eyes were full of deep exploration.

****The whole person was pale and trembling. When he met his son's gaze, the anger on his face was mixed with other indescribable emotions, and combined into a hideous expression, looking straight at Su Nuan, "Shut up. Shut up!! Be careful I tear your mouth!"

Su Nuan sneered, "Wang-Min, if you have the ability, you can continue to deny it! The past two years have been very moist, robbing someone else’s husband, didn’t let his son become an illegitimate child that everyone spurned, right? Great sense of accomplishment?"

Getting used to the **** face, she really has no patience to consume him anymore.

And when **** heard Su Nuan's words, his eyes instantly widened, and he stared at Su Nuan almost instantly, "Who are you? Why do you know my name?"

Su Nuan glanced at her coldly, and narrowed her eyes slightly, "A person who can say categorically that you are a complete junior!"

**** She didn't speak, she kept staring at Su Nuan's face, as if she had to see who Su Nuan was!

And Su Nuan's heart at this moment has been completely occupied by anger and hatred, and once again looked at the son of the ****, and said to him almost retaliately;

"Do you believe me now? If you still don't believe me, what about it? Your mother's name is ****, and your father's name is... Qian-Jun-Feng-forty-nine years old this year and lives in ..."

**** Seeing Su Nuan talking more and more carefully, and everything said everything is correct, then looking at her son, that little face is completely white at this moment, almost white To the point of transparency.

"Shut up, you shut up! You bitch, I want to tear your mouth!"

This time the **** was no longer just talking, she shouted, and the whole person rushed towards Su Nuan.

Reaching out, he leaned towards Su Nuan's face.

Su Nuan's eyes flashed, and the whole person even took a step forward, "Stop hitting me? Come, hit! If you have more money, hit a few more shots! At that time, I will not compensate for Qian Junfeng's bankruptcy. My name Su is upside down. write!"

Su Nuan's words were full of breath, and there was no sharp to ear-piercing sound, just a low roar, stirring everyone's eardrums.

But the ****'s hand paused, staring at Su Nuan in a daze, with a bit of temptation:

"What did you say? You said... your last name is Su?"

Su Nuan squinted her eyes. She was really bewildered just now. She just said that by the way, and this woman caught the point!

**** stared at Su Nuan for a long time. Not long after, a pair of angry and searching eyes suddenly widened, his face was replaced by horror, and the whole person suddenly stepped back.

After watching the excitement for so long, everyone has noticed that there seems to be a little bit of a relationship between the two people. Now it proves that the relationship between two people is absolutely extraordinary!

"You... little bitch!"

The **** finger pointed at Su Nuan's face, and it trembled for a long time before blurting out the words "little slut".

It didn't take long for her to react, and suddenly rushed to Su Nuan, "Dare to slander me with my son! I killed you! Why didn't your dad beat you to death back then?!"

Su Nuan's eyes suddenly narrowed, and when Xu Junyu, who was not far away, heard the last words spoken by ****, her long and narrow eyes suddenly narrowed.

Why didn't your father beat you to death back then?


Thinking of the accident a few years ago, **** was not afraid of Su Nuan at all!

After all, when we met for the last time that year, Su Nuan left her with the impression that apart from being covered in blood, she was incompetent, cowardly, and bully!

After all, she was beaten to the head, she ended the confrontation from the perspective of the winner!

For so many years, neither her mother nor she has come to harass her life, and the poor mother and daughter are more awkward than the other.

This mentality was deeply rooted in her heart as early as a few years ago!

Su Nuan is a bully, she is a counselor, what is she afraid of!

It has always been a pity that she had caused her to give birth prematurely and failed to teach her personally. It just so happened that today, she took the opportunity to get back both new and old hatred!

But as soon as she rushed towards Su Nuan, her hands were tightly grasped by the powerful hands!

The strong one almost squeezed the **** wrist!

"Let go of me! What are you doing?!"

Su Nuan blinked and looked up at the person who suddenly appeared in front of her.

Almost as soon as the voice of the **** fell, she was pushed hard and fell to the ground!

This scene happened quickly, but it couldn't stop others from seeing it clearly.

Especially the few policemen who have just been reduced to watching the excitement. The police headed by them rushed to the front almost at the same time, looked at each other, and instantly raised their smiles.

"Brother Huoyan..."

Huo Yan nodded to the police first, then coldly looked at the woman he had just thrown to the ground, and said solemnly:

"I think you really have enough life! You want to beat our young grandma?!"

Young grandma? !

The police headed for a moment, the smile on his face instantly stiffened!

And **** also grasped this title very sensitively, looking at Su Nuan in disbelief!

Although everyone onlookers didn't know who Huoyan was, they just looked at the police's reaction and the claim just now...

From the very beginning, I believed that the wife of the boss must be a wealthy family, but now, if you look at it, it should be one of the great wealthy families in Fucheng, right?

"Young grandma? But it's our Young Master Xu's..." The police headed instantly reacted, and the doubts instantly blurted out.

Huo Yan frowned and glanced at the policeman, gave him a wink, and nodded lightly!

The police stunned for a moment, staring at Su Nuan, and looked up and down. They were dressed in ordinary clothes, but they were inferior to their previous taste...

Is it a world of difference? !

"No way?!"

"What? There is a problem?"

As soon as the police's whispered doubts fell, a cold voice came from the periphery of the onlookers.

Then the crowd voluntarily gave way.

Huo Yan glanced at Su Nuan and quickly returned.

Not long after, accompanied by Huo Yan, Xu Jun and his slender figure appeared in the sight of everyone.

Then watching Huo Yan lower his head and whispered something to Xu Junyu, Xu Junyu came directly to Su Nuan's side.

Two in one. Two thousand words. good night! Babies!

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