Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2654: Grab it! (Two in one)

Not long after, accompanied by Huo Yan, Xu Jun and his slender figure appeared in the sight of everyone.

Then watching Huo Yan lower his head and whispered something to Xu Junyu, Xu Junyu came directly to Su Nuan's side.

Accurately took Su Nuan's waist, and took her into his arms!

Su Nuan was still in a daze, turning his head to look at Xu Junyu, an unspeakable emotion suddenly surged in his heart, that feeling...

Let her describe it by herself, that she didn’t want to admit that she had a girlish heart at first,

Isn’t this thing like a girl’s heart something that only those little girls who are in love at first have it?

And it's the kind of things that little girls have and dream of, Su Nuan doesn't want to admit that she needs what these little girls want,

She thinks this kind of thing is too dreamy, and she has been living in reality wholeheartedly since she was a child.

This kind of thing is not very relevant to reality.

But now, Su Nuan looked at Xu Junyu, and the whole person's heart started to bubble.

She suddenly felt that Xu Junyu was like a prince who appeared in time when she was in crisis, giving her a warm chest, protecting her, giving her the most powerful support, and making her more gorgeous and even more beautiful. Stand here with dignity.

There are many people onlookers who know Xu Junyu. He is often seen in magazines. The most important thing is that it is not serious financial magazines or something, but some gossip magazines.

Although it is often said that he is a playboy, a dude, and not doing business properly, there are too many people. In fact, they envy Xu Jun and have a good family background, a handsome appearance, a perfect body, and There is such a free life, no burden, no pressure, how can it be unenviable,

In the past, the dude who appeared in magazines frequently had no news at all in recent days, but it turned out that it was because...were married.

Not long ago, Jing Rui and Lu Zetian, the two little overlords, came back from abroad. The three little overlords got together. They thought that if these three overlords got together again, they would have to make trouble in Fucheng for a while, but they didn't expect to be so peaceful.

Not only I haven't heard any wind, but I can't even find any news that can be used as a gimmick.

Too quiet, people gradually forget these three overlords,

Once a person does not appear after a period of time, it will gradually fade from everyone's mind.

So now, when Xu Junyu appeared in the sight of everyone again, and it was from the beginning that the dude suddenly became a good husband, it really caught people by surprise. Think about the wave of dog food sprinkled on the phone just now, people His eyes gradually gathered on Su Nuan,

This woman, by what means did she get that overlord leader into her bag?

Never thought that Xu Jun and this **** would get married, and even if they were married, just like him, there would be a sensational wedding in Fucheng.

As a result, such a quiet marriage, Xu Junyu's appearance has caused too many people, too many accidents, and made people feel a little overwhelmed.

I could only stare at Xu Junyu with wide eyes, and after confirming, his eyes gathered on Su Nuan, exuding various emotions.

"Who dares to bully our wife Xu?"

As soon as Xu Junyu's words fell, the people around him took a breath of cold air and took two steps back.

This sentence is so true that it makes people feel goose bumps in an instant, and then they feel a chill.

The brows and eyes that clearly looked at him were smiling, but the words were unprovoked with a chill and threat.

**** The whole person night naturally felt afraid for no reason, her fear was far more terrifying than others.

Because she just saw clearly that when the handsome man was talking, his narrow eyes were looking directly at him,

That kind of sharp sight was clearly indifferent, but with strong warning and hostility, even killing intent.

She shrank her neck involuntarily, her eyes evasive but still refused to admit defeat.

The policeman on the side looked at Xu Junyu and shook his head again and again, "No, Young Master Xu misunderstood, and we did not react. When did Young Master Xu hold the wedding, we really...don't know, so for a while..."

The police paused, looked at Su Nuan, smiled and said, "Good Mrs. Xu."

Su Nuan twitched the corners of her lips and nodded to the policeman, "...Hello."

Xu Jun nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "So..."

She pointed to ****, then pointed to herself, and said: "Ten million, she needs to compensate us..."

The police looked at the ****, and then at the glass beads in his hand 2. He felt a little embarrassed.

"This... Master Xu, it's better, let's go to the police station first."

Xu Junyu watched the police's actions in his eyes, and there was displeasure in his eyes.

"What? You are embarrassed, is my Xu family's things worth less than four million, or my wife Xu's body is not worth five million?"

"No...ah, I mean, Mrs. Xu's daughter is a priceless treasure."

Xu Jun raised his eyebrows. "I want more than ten million?"

"Not much." The police immediately shook his head and denied.

"and so……"

The police stunned, looking at the people around him, his face still tangled for a while, "So, Young Master Xu, no matter what, we should go to the police station to make a record at the end."

"..." Xu Jun raised her eyebrows, lowered her head and approached Su Nuan, whispering:

"Wife, what do you say?"

Su Nuan nodded, "Follow the normal process. We seek truth from facts and do not require differential treatment."

Everyone's heart and soul: Different treatment has been done!

Xu Jun nodded with nature, and said cheerfully:

"Well, listen to my wife."

When the **** son heard that he was going to the police station, he held her hand tightly, his face was pale, but he didn't say much.

It is estimated that he has not yet reflected from the fact that his mother is really a junior who destroys other people’s families.

"We don't want to go to the police station! Why? Are your policemen such a shit? You are public servants of the people. Do you want to be honest and fair and just know? Be careful, I sue you!"

**** can naturally detect the strangeness of his son, squeeze his son's hand, and vowed not to go to the police station.

I've long been bored with this loud, dirty, and violent woman. When the police heard that they were going to scold them again this time, he straightened his face and said seriously: "Please cooperate with our work. ."

"You are unreasonable! You are just a bunch of dogs, why should I cooperate with you."

"Stigmatize public officials, obstruct the execution of official duties, get caught! Take it away!"

[I can’t finish it, I’m two more today! Make up tomorrow! good night. 】

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