Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2655: The reasons are all made up (two in one)

"Stigmatize public officials, obstruct the execution of official duties, get caught! Take away!"

"What?! You let me go! Let go!"

No matter how the **** howl this time, the police led her out one by one with a cold face.


At the police station, the **** is still clamoring, resolutely uncompromising.

When Huoyan carried Su Nuan and Xu Jun and arrived at the police station, Xu Jun and Huoyan were instructed to go in and go through the relevant procedures, but Su Nuan did not continue to enter.

Su Nuan didn't want to face **** and the child anymore, and sat in the car without moving.

Just sitting there quietly, her lips pressed tightly, her brows frowned slightly, her face is expressionless, but she can easily feel her negative mood,

There are a few dark lights in Xu Junyu's eyes, and he curls his eyebrows to hide his dangerous gaze.

"I want to go in and take a look."

After a long silence, Su Nuan said suddenly, staring at the entrance of the police station, her hand already opened the door.

"What do you go in for? Fire is enough."

"...No. Ten million, I have to come out myself."

After speaking, she didn't wait for Xu Junyu to speak, she opened the car door and got out of the car.

Xu Junyu frowned, turned to look at Su Nuan's back, his handsome face was serious.

Inside the police station, Huoyan had gone through the formalities and really wanted to go outside. When she saw Su Nuan coming in, her eyes drifted a bit and she didn't know what to think about.

"Young grandma."

He called her softly, Su Nuan raised his head, put his gaze on him, and stared at him blankly for two seconds, then his eyes flashed before he seemed to react.

"Oh, are everything done?" Su Nuan asked.

Huo Yan nodded, and looked at her with some doubts, "Young lady, you came in..."

"Did that woman promise to pay me ten million?"

Huoyan choked and shook his head.

"After all, it's 10 million. It might take a while to let it go... I think it's just preparations, and it should take a while..."

Su Nuan smiled lightly and shook her head, "Ten million, for that woman, it's not a difficult task. For so many years, the private money she has gotten from her hands is far more than ten million."

"..." Huo Yan opened his mouth, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Ten million is nothing to a woman?

According to what he just learned, that woman is just a pure housewife, right? Ten million is nothing?

Where did she get the money?

Su Nuan sighed, "You go out first, I'll go in and have a look."


Huoyan can only respond like this. If it is as simple as ten million, then this matter may not be delayed for too long.

I was thinking of giving that woman a few days of grace for showing compassion, but now it’s better.

Su Nuan nodded and walked inside.

Originally I wanted to ask where the **** is, but I didn’t take two steps inside, I heard the sound of ****,

Swearing, no quality at all,

Although she knew her true face back then, she didn't expect that in the past few years, she would actually lose the energy of people who pretend to be gentle white lotus in front of outsiders?

It seems that if I really got it, I became confident,

Qian Junfeng, is this what you called "true love" at the beginning?

Su Nuan sneered, lifted his foot and found the room following the sound of ****.

The door of the room was open, Su Nuan stood at the door and knocked on the door. She was facing the door with an angry gaze. After seeing Su Nuan, she became even more hideous.

"Little bitch! Can you be patient now? Dare to count me?!"

Her eyes wanted to kill Su Nuan, and her words sharply scratched the eardrums of others.

"You give me peace! A prisoner who has been on trial for so many years, I have never seen you such a kind of race!"

"I repeat, I am not a prisoner! You are abusing public power!"

The police at the scene simply didn’t bother to pay attention to her. Seeing Su Nuan, they got up and welcomed Su Nuan in respectfully.

"Mrs. Xu, do you have any more orders?"

Su Nuan smiled at them and nodded, "I just wanted to come over and ask, when will she give me my ten million!"

"Bah! The beauty you think is really where you are? I won't give you a dime back then, let alone now."

Su Nuan pursed her lips, narrowed her eyebrows, and walked a few steps toward the ****, then raised her eyes, looking at her coldly,

"You mean, want to go to jail?"

"Humph." **** sneered, "Go to jail? What law did I commit? What qualifications do you have to put me in jail?"

Su Nuan smiled, and continued with an indifferent expression: "What about you, you should look at your current situation. There is a saying that the dragon can't crush the earth snake... This is Fucheng..."

"..." ****'s face turned pale, "What do you want to do?"

Su Nuan licked her lips, "Isn't there a reason for imprisonment? The reason is all made up?"

"you dare?!"

****I have fully understood the meaning of Su Nuan’s words. Her so-called husband just now seems to be an influential person in Fucheng. At least, if she wants to rectify her, she must have no way. Get away.

If it was the former Su Nuan, she would never have said such arrogant words in front of her.

Who is that man just now, and what kind of existence is he in Fucheng?

Just a woman like Su Nuan, who has no family education, rudeness, and a rough woman with no family background, can marry a great person?

Anyone with a bit of prestige should ask for it, right?

Just like her...

Don't tell me that Zhan can't be provoked by the family, how can even her carefree personality have a slight relationship with the word "rich"?

Who can she marry?

Which wealthy family can want a woman like her, unless she is blind!

But, the man just now...

It’s really hard to ignore,

"What is something I dare not do?" Su Nuan walked sideways and sat down on the sofa, while someone handed her a glass of water.

She pursed her lips and took a sip, looked up at the **** indifferently, and chuckled softly, "Since nine years ago, I have not been afraid of anything. The last thing I can't eat in my life is a loss. Don’t be frustrated. If anyone offends me, I don’t care about it, but once I care about it, I can even kill people."

Several police officers on the side couldn't help but look at Su Nuan when they heard this. Most of them didn't agree with Su Nuan.

After all, this is the police station,

But ****'s heart suddenly tightened, and the whole person swallowed involuntarily.

Nine years ago...

She saw Qian Junfeng holding the huge frame on Su Nuan's head without hesitation. The blood was bleeding all over the floor. She only cared about her children at the beginning. For this action, some were just the pleasure of revenge. .

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