Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2656: The important thing is that I hate you!

She saw Qian Junfeng holding the huge frame on Su Nuan's head without hesitation. The blood was bleeding all over the floor. She only cared about her children at the beginning. For this action, some were just the pleasure of revenge. .

But now she mentions it, for her who has been promoted to a mother, that scene of that year has appeared in her dreams time and time again, and every time she scared her into a cold sweat.

Qian Junfeng did too much.

After all, she is also his biological daughter.

After that, she was extremely thankful that she was pregnant with a son, otherwise, at that time, her fate would be no different from their mother and son.

It is precisely because of the lessons learned from the past that she has more thoughts about money. If you can hold it, you must hold it by yourself.

When the province arrived, one day, she followed Suman’s footsteps,

"Ten million. As far as you are concerned, there shouldn't be any problems, right? Or would you ask me to ask Qian Junfeng directly?"

"..." ****'s eyes flashed, frowning not knowing what he was thinking.

Su Nuan held the water cup, rubbed the body of the cup, and said lightly: "You should calculate this account again... If I saw Qian Junfeng, I would not only want 10 million. Anyway, because of you back then , He is ashamed of me and my mother. If I now ask him to owe us back then, how much do you think is appropriate? Thirty million? Or fifty million? Otherwise, I will directly ask him for half of the company The equity is good, after all, in that company, I should have a share?"

With that, Su Nuan raised his head and drank the water in the cup, and put the cup on the table with a "boom", and he got up from the sofa.

"I forgot, his company should indeed have half of my equity. After so many years, I should be back!"

Upon hearing this, the whole body trembled with anger.

"The company is a strong one! Don't want to move your mind."

Su Nuan stood still, turned his head and looked at her coldly, "I'm sorry, it has already moved. Half of the shares, depending on my mood, if I want the company, none of you want a penny!"

I didn't want to fight, but today's **** has broken her bottom line time and time again.

Fight, why should she not fight? !

Why let them live so unrestrainedly!

If you didn’t leave her mother at the beginning, and didn’t dislike Qian Junfeng’s poverty and whiteness, he took care of everything at home and supported him with all his strength. Where did he come from today’s achievements, where is the capital to cheat, find a third child, give birth to a son, and find what he calls in this life" Love"? !

All this is too unfair!


Su Nuan narrowed his eyes, glanced at ****, turned and walked towards the door.


**** suddenly shouted, Su Nuan didn't stop in his footsteps.

"Wait a minute! Don't you want compensation? Ten million! I'll give it to you!"

Su Nuan then slowly stopped and turned to look at her.

"Now... thinking of giving it to me again?"

**** nodded, "Yes, I will give it to you! You take ten million, don't harass us in the future!"

"When will it be given?"

Su Nuan said immediately.

**** Frown, there is no bank now! "

"It's okay, mobile phone transfer!"


**** eyes widened angrily, "You are so short of money?"

"No shortage. But a villain like you is the easiest to turn back, I don't believe you!"

**** gritted his teeth, took out his phone, and said angrily: "Bank card number!"

Su Nuan raised his eyebrows, and reported his bank card password number by number.

A huge amount of money transfer, because there are restrictions, but everyone almost kneeled is that the **** actually smashed nearly 20 cards back and forth, and finally transferred all the money to Su Nuan. .

Su Nuan laughed ironically after confirming that he received the money, "Ten million, and he gave it to me without blinking! It can be seen that this is not a lot of money to you? Qian Junfeng knows Do you know that you have more than twenty cards?"

A hint of impatience flashed across ****'s face, "Okay, since you have given you money, immediately disappear in front of me, remember, don't harass us again."

Su Nuan took back the phone and looked up and said, "Of course, it's not necessary that I naturally don't want to entangle you too much."

"There is nothing necessary between us!"

**** emphasized strongly, but Su Nuan shrugged and walked out of the room shaking the phone in his hand.

Suddenly, **** lost ten million, and it was in pain, and it seemed like it had to be 100% sure.

What is unnecessary? For so many years of peace and quiet, without communication, where is there so much need? !

I couldn't help but choked on Su Nuan in response, and his tone was naturally bad.

A sarcasm flashed in Su Nuan's eyes, before speaking, she turned and left.

She suddenly felt that the brain is really a good thing!

Before, I only cared about how to relieve my qi. It was straightforward, simple, rude, and basically no brains!

Now, if you use your brain occasionally, it feels more exciting than hitting someone directly!

Ten million wants to keep her honest, how can there be such a beautiful thing?

****, today, you provoke me first!

Before Su Nuan walked out of the police station, she saw the son of a **** in the corridor, the kid who had some imagination with Qian Junfeng.

He was sitting on a chair in the corridor, and a policewoman next to him was watching him.

Seeing her coming out, the boy turned his head to look at her.

"who are you?"

Su Nuan didn't intend to pay attention to him, but he blocked her way and stared at her with her neck up.


Su Nuan glanced at him coldly, turned sideways to leave from the side, but he pulled his clothes again!

"Who allowed you to go? I'm asking you! Who are you?"

Su Nuan's eyes flashed impatience, "Why should I answer your question? Get out!"

"My father has only me a son!"

Su Nuan passed by, only to hear the child's words, and stopped again!

With a sneer, she said:

"Who knows if he has any other sons? You'd better pray that he really only has you!"

Dogs can’t change eating shi, Qian Junfeng can cheat for the first time, and he might cheat for a second time!

The "true love" of men is younger and more beautiful than the other!

****No matter how much you love to dress up, you can't beat a really young woman!

But who knows?

Maybe **** is really Qian Junfeng's true love in this life, maybe!

The boy looked at Su Nuan's back and shouted:

"My father has only one son! You are a big liar, and you will rarely show up in our house in the future! I hate you!"

Oh, that's what it meant!

This kid probably has guessed her identity, so she is afraid that she will steal her father from him?

"It doesn't matter, I am not interested in your father! Do you hate me or not, I really don't care at all!"

Su Nuan turned around, looked at him and said:

"The important thing now is that I hate you!"

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